View Full Version : fields with facilities open on new years day?

17th Dec 2001, 02:15
Can any one suggest a place to go on New Years day within say 75nm of Liverpool which they know will have facilities open. Maybe a decent all day brekkie? :p

Negative 'G'
17th Dec 2001, 23:34
I always try to fly on New years Day,but decide the night before if you get my drift ;)Damn BBC forcasters have pi55ed me off on several occasions.
Anyway places I've been to in recent years have been Huddersfield (The pub at the end of the Runway,forgot its name, top food though) and the classic White heather hotel up at Kirkbride(May have to book),best check with all airfields that they are open (Licensed ???)and serving food otherwise opt for the Short walk to the Pub idea :D

Neg G

[ 17 December 2001: Message edited by: Negative 'G' ]

18th Dec 2001, 19:01
There is always a New Years Day fly in at Compton Abbas, but I guess that is a little far from your base. :D

Can't make that this year either as I shall be hurtling down some Alpine slope at a ludicrous speed :cool:


18th Dec 2001, 19:11
A little outside the 75 miles, but you could always come to Norwich :D
We are PPR (by telephone) on the day, open between 0830 - 1800 (I think).
If you ring in advance and say it's a training flight, we'll even discount the landing fee, (about a tenner or less for a PA28).
I can't guarantee a top brekkie, 'cos only the airport terminal scoff shop will be open, not our usual source of such fodder, but we'll be pleased to see you. :p

18th Dec 2001, 20:11
Spoonbill -you sound desparate for some New Year's Day action!! :)

19th Dec 2001, 00:02
Sad - but true Doc. We're rosterd to be on duty, the airport is open, and I think all we've got are 2 B757 charters, 2 scheduled services to Amsterdam return, plus the North Sea helis to play with.
We'd play with our prezzies, but there's not a lot you can do with a lump of coal. :D

21st Dec 2001, 02:27
Lydd will be open "If it's a nice day". (I spoke to the manager). Good chips, nice decor (but a bu**er to spot, and pricey).

L2K is open as well.

Steve R

21st Dec 2001, 07:28
Shame about the UK, nearly everything is open on New Years Day in the USA....fuel is cheap, fly fast. :)

21st Dec 2001, 16:32
Again a bit far for you, but Popham normally has a "bangers and beans" fly-in on New Year's Day.

I groped my way in there through snow showers (working man's VMC!) two or three years ago. When I asked about the landing fee the response was "We wouldn't dream of charging people who have made the effort to come here in weather like this."

Friendly bunch!

21st Dec 2001, 17:35
Spoonbill even worse I,ll be having the pleasure of visiting you on Xmas day at NWI., you on duty!!.God bless those lovely pax keeping me away from my family.Still I suppose i normally spend my Xmas day trying to get an excuse to go and fly my puddlejumber!!.

24th Dec 2001, 23:00
Now SPOONBILL, if I wasn't going to Compton and Popham I'd go to Norwich...but it does rather depend which way the wiNd blows.....so who knows!!!