View Full Version : BA flights to Dhaka?

11th Oct 2010, 21:54
I know they have stopped this route.Does anyone know why? and weather it will be re-instated?

23rd Oct 2010, 10:24
I don't think that BA have flown it for a while. Almost certainly dropped because it was loosing money. It was likely a low yield route. (How many multi-nationals have large offices in Dhaka?) Resources could be shifted to a more profitable route. It will be restarted when an economic appraisal suggests that it will be profitable.

Don't hold your breath. BA still doesn't fly to Seoul or Taipei which it dropped a number of years ago and I would have thought promising routes. Mind you in those cases it is up against high quality opposition and would have to offer non stop service to be competitive.

23rd Oct 2010, 11:53
It may well be that the new Mixed Fleet, with its lower cost base, brings opportunities to reinstate / develop new routes.

23rd Oct 2010, 23:05
ba038 - If it is a case of you trying to get there from UK then I think you will find that any of the Gulf carriers will still go there as they will have an on going exchange of 'guest worker'!