View Full Version : PPSC

7th Dec 2001, 01:32
Hi all, can anyone tell me just what the score is with the PPSC 'unpleasantness ! i was right in the middle of my atpl study and whoooosh , they r gone ! any company taken over where they left off > etc etc ? all help gratefully received , cheers.

7th Dec 2001, 18:06
Where have you been for the last few months? I was nearing the end of Mod 1 when PPSC went under. Bristol Ground School (www.bristol.gs) honoured the deposit I paid to PPSC and I went to them for the 2 week consolidation course. Passed all module 1 exams at the first attempt so no complaints there. Bristol split the exams differently from PPSC so it's not completely straightforward changing schools. I would give them a call.