View Full Version : Aerial Photography?

4th Dec 2001, 23:04
What does everyone think the best way to take pictures of buildings from the air is?
I know about all the air law side of things, having done my ATPLs, I just need to know the practical side such as:-
A/c to use
Also, does anyone have a link to the advice leaflet that the CAA produced I heard about a while ago?

QNH 1013
5th Dec 2001, 00:23
My own (limited) experience:

1. A/C: Something where you can open a window is best, e.g. C152. If you remove the stops, the wind will stay fully open in the slipstream without holding it. Cessna handbook says window can be opened at any speed up to VNE - but always read it yourself - don't take my (or anyone else's) word for anything in flying.
If you can't get a window open, get the lens as near the perspex as possible and don't use an autofocus camera - it focuses on the window!

2. Height: As low as legally possible unless it is a huge building. However, beware of annoying people on the ground. My own rule is a max of two passes.

3. Speed: Slower is better as everything happens very quickly in aerial photography. However see 6. below.

4. Camera: 35mm ok, medium format better but much more difficult to use casually in an aircraft. I get my best results on 35mm with a 135mm fixed focus lens. Use fast film so you can use a fast shutter speed.

5. Lighting and clear atmosphere is everything in aerial photography. Don't bother shooting towards the sun in haze. Compared to flying, film is cheap so take lots of pics and you will quickly learn.

6. I don't believe it is practical to take the photos yourself. The flying is very demanding to get the position exactly right and you are asking for trouble flying slowly at low altitude if concentrating on the camera or the framing. Either get another pilot to fly, or get someone else to take the pics. Tip... Don't change attitude while your passenger is looking through a viewfinder... you will induce a sickness feeling in them.

7. CAA leaflet: Yes I know the one. You can locate it as quickly as I can via the CAA website, or flying magazines ( I think it was described in the past few months).

Good Luck !