View Full Version : CTAF and CTAF(R)

25th Sep 2010, 04:30
what is the real difference between CTAF and CTAF(R) i know CTAF(R)means Radio required but,
even for CTAF dont you need a radio??

26th Sep 2010, 21:58
Mate, I don't have the regs in front of me, but there is a difference.

CTAF: If the aircraft has a radio fitted it must be on and tuned to the appropriate CTAF frequency.

CTAF(F): The aircraft MUST have a radio fitted, as well as it being on and tuned to the appropriate CTAF frequency.

So in a vintage aircraft (or a home built or microlight/drifter) unless there is a radio fitted to the aircraft, it cannot operate into a CTAF(R).