View Full Version : Leaky wing?

20th Sep 2010, 09:35
I flew on a Ryanair 737-8 from Malta to Bristol, UK yesterday and shortly after refuelling whilst stationery, before the engines started up and then during taxi, I noticed that there was a persistent drip of a liquid (perhaps one drip a second) from the wing just inside the 2nd flap track carriage on the right wing. As the engine was started the rate increased to (1-2 / second) It was around 32 degrees Celsius (~90 F) and it evaporated fairly quickly, but not so rapidly as fuel might have.

My question is this: can anyone offer some ideas as to what this might be due to? Is it worth contacting them about this?

20th Sep 2010, 13:11
condensation on the under side of wing fuel tanks, after a long flight the fuel is very cold, below the dew point of ambient air, water can drip off a lot more than 1 drop a second. can get a nice thick layer of ice on under side of tanks.

763 jock
20th Sep 2010, 13:11
Almost certainly condensation in the area of cold soaked fuel from the previous sector.