View Full Version : Flying into Baghdad

Captain Kaboom
7th Sep 2010, 15:01
Fellow aviators,

At the moment I'm contracted by a company that expect us to fly into Baghdad.

Now I've heard some horror stories about spiraling in from FL250 and such,and I remember DHL's bid adventure in there...

But, is there still an actual threat recently, has anyone recent experience in there and wouldn't mind to share this experience?

Thanks CK

7th Sep 2010, 16:15

Flight into Bagdhad isn't much different than flying into any other place right now. You'll arrive and fly an approach just like you would, anywhere else.

The days of blacked out approaches and high, spiraling approaches are in the past.

VFR arrivals are a little different, but not much, and nothing that you'd notice in most cases.

This is the case nearly anywhere in Iraq.

But, is there still an actual threat recently, has anyone recent experience in there and wouldn't mind to share this experience?

I suspect that you're asking specifically about surface-to-air threats; this does exist, but you're more likely to have a small arms threat than a man portable SAM threat. The truth is that you likely won't see any difference in normal, routine, takeoffs and landings at Bagdhad than anywhere else.

Getting through security, on the other hand, is a royal pain. A little extra cash does wonders.

So far as a threat that exists, Iraq still holds very real threats throughout the country. With the drawdown, I would expect these threats to increase substantially.

I've been in the vicinity before when traffic had to hold because mortar or rocket attacks had damaged the runway, or incoming fire was being taken at the airfield. Small arms fire, rocket propelled grenades, improvised explosive devices and vehicle-borne explosive devices are common. Including around the airport area. Leaving the passenger terminal is dangerous.

Air operations are fairly routine, but don't let that convince you that the country is secure or safe. It's not.

Captain Kaboom
8th Sep 2010, 10:26
Thanks Mr Guppy,

This was exactly the feedback I was hoping for.

Sounds like it is stabilizing but no walk in the park.

I think the plan is just to turn around so it must be possible.

Thanks again CK