View Full Version : King Air C90 2nd Engine Flame Out Procedure

6th Sep 2010, 17:01
Greetings fellow pilots.
This is a question to any experienced King Air/Turbo prop pilots, The 2nd engine Flame out Procedure as per the manual requires the following response:
1. Power Lever---Idle
2.Props----- ****DO NOT FEATHER***
3. Condition lever---- Cut off
4. Conduct Air start procedures.

Now my question is regarding the Propellers in this case, the action expected is not to Feather the prop, wouldn't loss of oil pressure due to loss in engine power drive the prop toward feather in the first place?

What is the significance of not feathering the prop, especially in the King Air engine which is a free turbine engine, so would being feathered or unfeathered make any difference in the ease of air start since the prop is not connected to the gas generator shaft anyways?

Just a question i ve been pondering upon, if any of you experienced pilots can shed some light, would be much appreciated.
Thank you for reading and sharing.