View Full Version : Average Salaries for aircraft engineers in Gulf area ?!

6th Sep 2010, 05:43
Hello guys ;

I have posted a similar thread in the engineers subsection , but it's not as active as here.So , i thought that many here would help ( even if not engineers ) as a general knowledge for pilots and crew from their engineer friends.

I was wondering if anybody would suggest a figure about the average salaries for aircraft engineers in gulf area companies , like : Gulf Air, EK ,EY , Qatar so on..

I mean average for maintenance engineers ( may be Maintenance control ,Hangar or line basis ) and let's say for an early to med-career level.. 3-5 years of experience ! Specially for Gulf Air and EK.


6th Sep 2010, 17:00
no feeback ?

tcas II
6th Sep 2010, 18:25
It around 10000Qr plus 8000housing allowance for Qatar airways!;)

7th Sep 2010, 11:16
TCAS , that's around 5000 USD ,sounds good ?