View Full Version : UVair Confidentiality Clause

2nd Sep 2010, 13:42
Has anyone else received one of these?

Apparently I cannot discuss the prices I'm getting on my UVair card with anyone else, can't see why? Surely it's my business who and what I discuss that with.

Any other companies out there doing the same?

4th Sep 2010, 14:57
We work with a couple of other suppliers and the only one who does this is UVAir, the reasons are obvious, they are the most expensive fuel supplier.

Good value (not price) in some airports though.

4th Sep 2010, 19:51
without a doubt - UVAIR most expoensive in every respect.

Kerling-Approsh KG
5th Sep 2010, 19:48

Care to elaborate?

We sometimes find ourselves using UVair - for reasons genuinely beyond our control.

What's the upside?

6th Sep 2010, 02:26
Kerling, on the geographical region I fly, sometimes this card is the only way to pay fuel on credit, so we can avoid carrying too much cash. Also we can coordinate to have a guaranteed availability of fuel via universal, it have saved multi-day, multi-trip operations a couple of times.

The other one is that i am able to consolidate in just one bill all items i need in an FBO, from fuel to transportation to extra napkins... makes life simpler for me and accounting.

These are the two instances where i really do not hesitate to use it, all other times is just a wildcard / often forgotten flight tool i have in my flight case.

7th Sep 2010, 11:33
Glad to see it's not just me then!

Looking about now for others as their prices have crept up, no doubt to pay for this tax thing that they've got going. Doesn't affect me so don't know why I should pay.

2nd Oct 2010, 00:42
Bump... bit late I know, but thought I'd chip in...

The reason UV don't want you to disclose your fuel price is because, even for the same aircraft / airport combination, they charge people different prices. Seriously. It's based on a variety of different factors.

The gag order is a kneejerk, anticompetitive reaction to an independent, UK based outfit (PM me for details :cool: ).