View Full Version : Security - computer on

Mungo Man
28th Aug 2010, 15:44
I've been carrying a netbook with me to work for the last year. Yesterday, for the first time ever, I was asked to switch it on after it had been scanned. I complied of course, but questioned when this requirement came into being, to which now answer was forthcoming.

I stated that in a more than a year of carrying the computer, 6 months of which was through the same security channel I had never before been asked to switch it on and was merely told "well if it had been me you would have had to"

Where can I find out the precise rules for what security can and can't do?

28th Aug 2010, 16:32
I don't really see your problem.

I pass through security (Pax or Crew security) at a huge variety of locations throughout Europe several times a day, 178 days a year and I was only asked once to turn it on but it's no big deal.

It's a bit over the top but I have had other worse things. They probably want to ensure it is a working laptop and not a dummy 'mule' for electronics for something more dodgy.

Such a list almost certainly doesn't exist - particularly in the UK where they love to go that 'extra mile', gives them scope to do pretty much what they like.

However I did notice that WikiLeaks has a TSA security checkpoint manual so you might like to look there.

28th Aug 2010, 20:24
I doubt you'll find 'precise rules' for this but I've been frequently asked to turn on electronic gadgets /laptops at security (Belfast especially seemed to be hot on this), although was more prevalent a few years back . Theory is, if someone has been tampering with a electronic device i.e. putting some explosive or some other contraband inside then there's a fair chance the device won't work or work erratically. Find out how the bomb for Pan AM 103 (Lockberie) was constructed and hopefully you won't be so keen to argue the point next time. Is it that much bother to turn on the laptop for a few seconds?

Mungo Man
28th Aug 2010, 20:24
My problem is, where does it all end? Also, there seems to be huge inconsistency in airport security and it is very frustrating dealing with different standards at different airports.

Surely they can't have a carte blanche to do whatever they want without justification?

If I take my old laptop with me it takes about 6 minutess to start it up and shut it down again, all this in my own time because I have to be in the airside crew room for the start of my duty and have to allow extra time for security...:ugh:

28th Aug 2010, 22:26
Surely inconsistency = unpredictability and is therefore good security. If the security check was always exactly the same everywhere you went then once you know how to circumvent it in one place you know how to circumvent it everywhere.

3rd Sep 2010, 19:29
Spot on, cdtaylor_nats :ok: