View Full Version : ****Alert Southern WWOLS!****

26th Aug 2010, 13:23
For any in the south - Tangmere Aviation Museum is well on the way to getting a pseudo Mk3 cockpit talking to an excellent flight sim programme. The visual is stunning, the handling remarkably good so far and I believe it will be going 'public' soon.

Keep your eye on its 'ready state'. I managed two ccts in it without crashing (I did explore the Tangmere grass:O) and a run down the A5 pass out of Valley - yeeha!

26th Aug 2010, 13:41
MK 3 Lightning, Spitfire, Chinook? :O


26th Aug 2010, 14:51
Well, if you don't know what WWOL's are you don't need to know:*

Edit:Thanks to fw

26th Aug 2010, 14:58
Surely it's: WIWOL


26th Aug 2010, 15:14
Absolutely, but the plural is WWOL. Otherwise it would be WWWOL and can only be used in the narrative. However, you have a point and I have edited my post.:ok:

26th Aug 2010, 15:30
Surely the plural of WIWOL is WIWOLs?

Are you able to 'freeze' the fuel burn in the simulator? Perpetual half-tanks Mk3 would be rather fun, I would guess?

Supersonic down the A5 pass?

Well done, Tangmere - it sounds like a top achievement!

26th Aug 2010, 15:36
"Semantic/spelling to standby"

I guess you can freeze anything, but someone else will be wanting a go:)

Without motion/g feedback I managed 8g in the pass..... but hey - no interview:ok:

26th Aug 2010, 15:39
But will it have a full functional 6-fingered baboon AI23b hand controller?

26th Aug 2010, 17:03
Yes it has a radar hand controller, but it is not connected to anything.

I spent 5 hours in it for Meridian TV and it is great fun. :ok:

There are plans to fit a g-suit and give buffet-feel but that may take a while.

The airborne tanker is going so slow that it is better to practice on the 737 overhead Valley. The hills are well presented as are the medium level clouds above. The ferries crossing the Solent have their names on the side so "get down Shep" and check them out.

Yes the fuel is frozen so go for VFR on top ( FL660+) and M2.2. The idea behind the sim is to make money for the museum so expect to leave a donation behind.

It is WIWOLs ( we were single seaters after all!) :cool:

26th Aug 2010, 17:23
we were single seaters after all - you mean some of you lucky ones who didn't get sent to the OCU I take it.......................:)But will it have a full functional 6-fingered baboon AI23b hand controller - as long as it is a left-hand job I'll be OK with all 23 functions. You can flick all the switches but there is no sandwich stowage at the moment - it is on a shelf in the store..

26th Aug 2010, 19:10
But will it have a full functional 6-fingered baboon AI23b hand controller?

Being born in Norfolk would clearly have given a Lightning pilot a significant advantage! Even with the need for 6-fingered flying gloves with webs...:\

Sloppy Link
26th Aug 2010, 19:21
I was there two days ago but cannot comment as they do not allow visitors with dogs. Worse, no signs to advertise the fact (turned away at the door like an errant schoolchild) and on top of that no reason other than it is museum policy. A nation of dog lovers....I think not.
Oh well.

26th Aug 2010, 21:10
Being born in Norfolk would clearly have given a Lightning pilot a significant advantage! Even with the need for 6-fingered flying gloves with webs...
and why do you think they moved 226OCU from M-St-G to Coltishall?

Sad the hand controller isn't linked to a sim. radar display, but I accept there are limits. Looking forward to an old times sake visit.

26th Aug 2010, 21:23
"Well, if you don't know what WWOL's are you don't need to knowhttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/bah.gif"

With that sort of comment, presumably you don't want any visitors who are not in the know. Not a great advert for the museum!

26th Aug 2010, 21:44
Assistance Dogs
Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome throughout the Museum. Water bowls for guide dogs are available.

Perhaps it might be an idea to state that other dogs are not permitted?

26th Aug 2010, 22:13
WIDN62 - it was kind of humour, I'm afraid - and I have nothing much to do with the museum apart from visiting and being fortunate enough to have a go on a prototype sim. I believe the museum welcomes everyone.

Fitter - I would guess that even if they do manage the software for the B-Scope they will not be able to tie in the baboon stick. I would have thought, however, that a basic co-alt intercept would be achievable.

Thinks - are Beagles permitted?

Out Of Trim
26th Aug 2010, 22:16
http://http://redirectingat.com/?id=42X487496&xs=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Flh6.ggpht.com%2F_1BXJmcdgZEw%2FSQcGDBvaeHI% 2FAAAAAAAAFa0%2FZwZbWI0BoWI%2Fs800%2FDSC_0274.JPG&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pprune.org%2Fnewreply.php%3Fdo%3Dpostr eply%26t%3D425332 "Well, if you don't know what WWOL's are you don't need to knowhttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/bah.gif"

With that sort of comment, presumably you don't want any visitors who are not in the know. Not a great advert for the museum!

Come on, you can work it out.. I Did;
When I Was On Lightnings..

Sounds like fun.


26th Aug 2010, 22:47
Great work Tangmere. :ok:

I had the privalege/pleasure to work there many years ago and did some work on their Spitfire sim.

I tried to get back there a couple of years ago, but other commitments stopped me.

Shame because it may have been one of the few occasions whenI could have been useful.

Synth (ex sim eng. :rolleyes:)

26th Aug 2010, 22:59
Many [many] years ago, I was lucky enough to fly the Lightning Sim at Binbrook :D I managed M1.2 in the climb, [unlimited fuel], then crashed :{
Great news for Tangmere :ok:

Lightning Mate
27th Aug 2010, 08:43
Mmmmm. How very interesting.

I might just pop up there and see how I do after 37 years.


27th Aug 2010, 08:53
Just watch your six LM!!!!:ok:

Do edit the title of this thread BOAC or is that BEA?:ugh:

Lightning Mate
27th Aug 2010, 09:14
Just watch your six LM!!!!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/thumbs.gif

Mornin' Newt. I wondered how long it would take you to pitch up on this thread.

I wonder if the radar works in it. Fancy a 150 going behind, or couldn't you hack those?


27th Aug 2010, 09:50
newt - shan't:p

Fancy a 150 going behind, or couldn't you hack those - it was the 180's going behind used to puzzle me.

MUST ADD: before all the 'old grey whistle tests' and others rush off to Tangmere, the sim is, I repeat 'NOT PUBLIC' yet. There are, however, loads of other lovely jets to drool over, including the record breaking Duke Hunter and Donaldson Meteor, the beautiful Frightning as above, plus terrific displays of WWI and II aviation history - and you might just get to see the tech masterminds or others having a pole in the sim. Check the website at Tangmere Military Aviation Museum (http://www.tangmere-museum.org.uk/)

Lightning Mate
27th Aug 2010, 10:03
BOAC, please standby for PM.

27th Aug 2010, 13:25
And here was me thinking WWOLs were 'Willie Wavers Of London'!


27th Aug 2010, 14:39
"Willie Wavers Of London" - just tell us HOW you found out:)

Lightning Mate
27th Aug 2010, 14:39

It's WIWOL old chap. :)

28th Aug 2010, 08:48
Hi LM. A 150 going behind was no problem! It was those low level targets that were always on a 180 that I never got to grips with!!

See you at the Dec WIWOL beercall????:ok:

28th Aug 2010, 17:28
2nd December - a date not to be missed!

29th Aug 2010, 11:30
I believe the first 'console ops' are trained and the sim goes 'live' for 15 min slots very soon. I hear even ex RAFG and Wattisham crews are welcome:p

29th Aug 2010, 12:45
A 150 going behind? Jeez I wonder how many hours of my life and gallons of fuel I wasted targeting for, doing and teaching that crap. Who said "na mate, put it on the nose, see which way it's drifting, smash to the edge, trickle it down the side, then plug in the burner and you'll get a one and a half mile roll out every time"? Maybe if the Master of Ceremonies of the Bognor Regis Pier Society attends on 2 Dec, he can regale us with tales of Bill Becks Box and other equally useful techniques now consigned to the dustbin of history:}!

Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2010, 15:16
I hear even ex RAFG and Wattisham crews are welcomehttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:www.pprune.org/get/images/smilies/tongue.gif

Oi Newt - wide battle go...!!!! :E

29th Aug 2010, 16:27
Tally, Visual, Engaging!!!!:ok:

What is he talking about? And who wants to volunteer to sit in a made-up simulator when you can sit in the real thing at Bruntingthorpe if you ask nicely!!

Do they sell anoraks at this museum?:ugh:

Lightning Mate
29th Aug 2010, 16:43
Do they sell anoraks at this museum?:ugh:

Yep - and they have BOAC written on the back....:E:E

29th Aug 2010, 21:04
...I would guess that even if they do manage the software for the B-Scope they will not be able to tie in the baboon stick. I would have thought, however, that a basic co-alt intercept would be achievable.I can't believe this!!!!!

My first-ever flight simulator (called Air Commander) was written in Basic (I didn't write it but had to port it), ran on an Apple II, had credible flight characteristics (even if more like an F-86K than a Lightning), and had a B-scope that woiked!
I'm talking mid 1980s here.

A bunch of guys at the Brooklands museum was handed just the "cab" of the Filton Concorde simulator.
The idea was to use it as a museum cockpit display... none of the computers or interfaces were left. Then they went berserk and decided to bring it back to life as a simulator, and today it "flies" again (no motion, but it has visuals again and more and more of the systems work).

So come on guys, I'm sure it can be done!


29th Aug 2010, 22:57
ChristiaanJ, It has been done!

The Tangmere sim has been designed to give a visual experience. It uses real Lightning controls linked to a modern flight sim programme projected onto the screen in front of you - you are sitting on a bang-seat in a Lightning cockpit having fun.

If you want to do S7Ds IMC you can - I would rather go off RW14, fly under the Menai Bridge and then do the LFA at 100' sonic before popping up for a bit of formation flying.

Remember this is a way of the museum making money to stay alive.

If you know what a S7D is you will have fun, if you don't then see if you can land it and we will have fun watching!

30th Aug 2010, 15:44
Looks great fun !

Meridian Regional News | Merdian Tonight - ITV Local (http://www.itv.com/meridian-west/diy-jet-simulator72623/)

Well worth a visit .



30th Aug 2010, 21:04
The Tangmere sim has been designed to give a visual experience. It uses real Lightning controls linked to a modern flight sim programme projected onto the screen in front of you - you are sitting on a bang-seat in a Lightning cockpit having fun.
If you want to do S7Ds IMC you can - I would rather go off RW14, fly under the Menai Bridge and then do the LFA at 100' sonic before popping up for a bit of formation flying.Petrolhead, my apologies.
Of course you're dead right. On a sim like that you would want to got out and fly, not play with a simulated radar.....