View Full Version : RYR intercepted?

25th Aug 2010, 18:09
Overheard yesterday on 121.5 a RYR flight to Gerona being told that he was about to be intercepted due loss of comms. with Brest. Flight number may have been 30ZE at about 1230Z? Anyone know of the outcome?

29th Aug 2010, 13:44
Came back on frequency just before descent, apparently jets were on the way, but I would presume, sttod down. Got a right bollocking of the very unhappy French Controller, no real explanation from the pilots. They were told to contact ATC upon landing to explain themseves. Ooops :uhoh:

A and C
29th Aug 2010, 14:27
I am told that the Uk had six interceptions last year RYR were involved in 4 and Easy Jet in 2.

It is understandable that those with the largest number of movements will have the geatest exposure to this, but could crew faigue be a factor?