View Full Version : Does Andorra have any airfields?

3rd Apr 2001, 17:54
Looking to visit Andorra in the summer, does it have any airfields/farm strips?

Can't seem to find any on the internet...


3rd Apr 2001, 19:39
G5 - No, but there is an airfield in a valley a few miles South of the Andorran border - I think it is at Puigcerda (?)in Spain.

Must have another beer sometime! Hows the Fuji?


3rd Apr 2001, 20:30
Last time I went to Andora we landed at Tolouse.Didn't realise what a long and tortuous drive it would be up and down the winding mountain roads.We needed a fairly long hard runway but there must be something nearer.Is Lourdes further South??
Good Luck

5th Apr 2001, 18:11
Yes it is Puigcerda in Spain, fantastic large valley/plateau approx 15 miles from Andorra (nice road as well).

Good long tarmac airstrip and approach not affected by mountains as you would expect.

Really nice area,town,
mountain streams and good golf course.

Not flown in myself but had a quick look round the airfield when passing it by car last year.

6th Apr 2001, 13:01
I've flown into several, Luanda, Lobito, Benguela, Saurimo, Huambo, Lubango, Mbanza-Congo.

Fuel is often unavailable and the bush around the airports is very often mined.

Be careful!! :) :) :)


6th Apr 2001, 15:58
Are we talking Andorra or Angora?.

Quite a difference!.

6th Apr 2001, 20:33
Barbox - Definately Andorra (The Principality between France and Spain) - That airfield you first mentioned sounds ideal!

Arrow2 - Fuji is having Annual at the mo - should be available for easter - I shall give you a ring soon to arrange for more beers .


7th Apr 2001, 23:38
Gulfstream V,,,,have searched the Internet with no success to find a web site for the airfield in Puigcerda, however found loads of tourist info for it, it really is a fantastic area.

I KNOW you meant Andorra, as I did,,,, reckon the 'African' posting is a wind up!.

If you find any details of the airfield can you let me know as it is very close to La Molina/Super La Molina ski resort in Spain (approx 30km).

No one around when I called in to have a look around last year so dont think Customs will be available, however it will only be 30mins flying time from Gerona.

There is also another airfield en-route in Spain at Rosas, right on the Med Coast just over the French border, they have customs/fuel and offer cheap landing and parking (1 weeks parking is approx £20), Rosas is also only 30 mins flying from Puigcerda, 1 runway approx 1200mts long, tarmac, nice alternate if the WX is bad up the mountains.

EVERY car is now being searched exiting Andorra into both France and Spain, they are confiscating everything over the duty free allowed limit into EEC.

8th Apr 2001, 21:13
Okay - Andorra as in the Pyrennees.

When I was sent to Angola a few years back, my friend's Japanese wife was ecstatic - Oh good we can out and we can all go skiing!

As the friend reads Pprune, I just couldn't resist it!
