View Full Version : Cessna 310 G-IMLI

30th Mar 2001, 11:10
Does anyone know why this aircraft is stranded in Saudi Arabia?


30th Mar 2001, 11:19
Yes. They ran into severe weather after takeoff from Jeddah and returned there after a rather frightening experience. Large hailstones caused damage to the leading edge. The Beesleys abandoned the race and left Saudi by airline. G-IMLI is to be repatriated at a later date.

More at http://www.londonsydney2001.com/

30th Mar 2001, 17:02
Thanks Cahlibahn,

Makes interesting reading. I guess that I might offer to fly it out of here for them.



30th Mar 2001, 18:55
Want a P2?

30th Mar 2001, 19:08
Sure, just try getting a visa!

Mutt :)

31st Mar 2001, 15:33
as valiant an attempt the Beesley's made, my hat is doffed to the one and only Maurice Kirk - he's still flying his Cub in the race + is still on schedule after many (mis)adventures en route. He's in the Sumatra area (Jakarta?). www.kirkflyingvet.co.uk (http://www.kirkflyingvet.co.uk) is the place for news. :) :) :)

Southern Cross
3rd Apr 2001, 20:13
They may also have suffered some damage to the electrics (they have a superb avionics kit including a GNS 530 and GNS 430) but I'm not sure of the details. If you do ferry it back Mutt, you'll enjoy it as G-IMLI flies very well and pretty quickly too (I have >50 hours on her.)