View Full Version : north atlantic crossing

20th Aug 2010, 17:33
is there any min. requirment or special training according to jaa or faa as a pilot to cross the atlantic as a co-pilot for the first time?

21st Aug 2010, 11:58
Private VFR: no
Private IFR outside MNPS: no
Private IFR inside MNPS: yes for the PIC, no for the co-pilot (assuming SP certified aircraft)
Commercial: yes, if the co-pilot is a required crew member

Please give us some more details: a/c type, proposed routing and altitude, type of operation, captain's qualifications and experience, etc. and I will try to be more helpful.


500 above
21st Aug 2010, 14:53

I'm assuming that your driving a bizjet? If so you'll need an International Procedures course from FSI or the like. This will cover you for RVSM, MNPS, the NAT OTS etc. Also you could download the ICAO North Atlantic mnps ops manual and doc 4444.

From sec 9.1.5a of the NAT MNPS bible, "for flight through the MNPS airspace the aircraft and the operator must have the requisite State approvals for both rvsm and mnps ops. The crew must be qualified for flight in rvsm airspace and all aircraft intending to operate within nat MNPS airspace must be equipped with altimetey and height-keeping systems which meet rvsm masps...."

Try www.ecacnav.com/rvsm/library.html for the masps or ICAO Doc 9574.

To further quote page 3 of the ICAO manual "within nat mnps airspace a formal approval process by the state of registry of the aircraft or the state of the operator ensures that aircraft meet defined mnps standards and that appropriate crew procedures and training have been adopted."

Hope this helps