View Full Version : insurance wont pay up !

A and C
22nd Mar 2001, 12:09
Since the introduction of CAA/LAMS/A/1999 iss 1 a number of aircraft have turned up for annual checks having NOT had the required 50hr/6 month check.

Let me make it clear this check is required at 50 flying hours or 6 months from the LAST check even if the aircraft has not flown.

If the check is not done then the C of A is invalid and if you have an accident you can bet that the insurance wont pay up and why should they if the required maintenance has not been done.

It is clearly stated in the maintenance schedule that "operators are responsable for the accomplishment of the maintenance perscribed in the schedule"

So please take a look at you aircraft log books and check that the 6 month check is in date and dont be the first to lose a lot of money to the insuance companys and end up in court for flying with out a C of A.