View Full Version : Headsets in commercial aircraft - need for approval?

12th Aug 2010, 18:12

Our airline (EU-airline) will no longer allow us to use private headsets. A shame for us, since our aircraft are poorly equipped!

The reason for this action is supposedly documentation, that for every model of a headset you will need a specific approval to each aircraft for installation.

From a legal/certification perspective, is this also a requirement for headsets that don't need installation? ie. non-ANR headsets og headsets with their own power supply. All headsets to be used are TSO'd.

Would appreciate hints on where I could look up this documentation. Any other airlines out there also banning private headsets?


Kerling-Approsh KG
12th Aug 2010, 18:32
Have you asked your airline for a reference?

...or is this another CAA getting carried away with silliness as several seem to be at present?

12th Aug 2010, 19:04
Standard TSO approved headsets are just fine for many airworthiness authorities...including the FAA.
EASA...cannot say, however...these folks are off the clock, common sense-wise, anyway.
Certainly no surprise.:eek:

12th Aug 2010, 19:12
I suggest you ask for the name (and get it in writing) of the accountable manager who authorised this nonsense so you know who to sue for compensation when you fail your medical due to hearing loss in 20 years time. It might get them to change their mind.

12th Aug 2010, 20:05
I like what I'm hearing from you guys...

What I think has happened in our airline, is that tech management is mixing permanent installations ie Bose X with aircraft DC, with "ordinary"headsets.

I would though, believe, that installations that requires modifying is subject to approval from authorities?

Dan Winterland
13th Aug 2010, 03:44
I think this stems from a directive from Airbus after several incidents where pilots using their own headsets have caused problems. If the impedence of the microphes is different there can be an imbalance leading to problems in the intercom circuits.

I have experienced this myself, both on Aibus and Boeings.

We have alo been told that only headsets apporoved by the manufacturer are to be used.