View Full Version : Training at Kemble, Filton, and other points west

29th Jan 2002, 15:04
A mate of mine lives north of Bath. He wants to obtain a PPL, with a view to keeping something very light and STOLlie on the field next to his charming country house. The nearest licensed airfields are Kemble and Filton. Old Sarum would be more of a schlep, but not out of the question in one of his amusing sports cars. Where should he train? You will have gathered from hints above that cash is not an issue with this guy. Acquiring a good training, that will stand him in good stead for participation in grass roots style aviation, is.

I have landed at Old Sarum a couple of times and formed a good impression of the club there, but of Kemble and Filton I know nothing. All comments and suggestions gratefully received.

Edit: if you wish to engage in robust criticism of any of the available options, whilst sparing the blushes of the guilty and keeping Danny's legal bills at a sensible level, please don't post here but email me at my pprune address, which is FNG@whatever the rest is.

[ 29 January 2002: Message edited by: FNG ]</p>

Genghis the Engineer
29th Jan 2002, 16:03
For good STOL flying, he could do far worse than go the microlight route and operate one of the newer 912 engined aircraft. The school at Kemble, Pegasus Flight Training, run by Dave Young, has a very good reputation and operates both Quantum-912s and CTs, which covers both control systems - and both are monstrously overpowered, which makes them damned good short-field machines. If later he decides he wants to be able to fly IMC/Night, it's always possible to upgrade the license.

The school's phone number is 01285-770077.


29th Jan 2002, 16:19
Thanks Genghis, that sounds quite promising.

29th Jan 2002, 16:27
Last time I was at Old Sarum, they had a couple of tail draggers.

If he wants a more conventional aicraft & a grass airfield to train in, as that's what he's going to fly, try there.


29th Jan 2002, 20:47
I don't think Kemble is Licensed yet. According to their website they're 'preparing for it' but AIS had no details when I spoke to them earlier today. Consequently, PPL training there isn't permitted....presumably microlights are different??

30th Jan 2002, 02:36
VCR - yes microlights (Or SLAs) are different. There is a scholl at Kemble, although because it isn't yet licensed (Kemble that is) I believe that each session starts with a quick flight to Gloucester or Filton. The PPL A school at Kemble is called MasonAir.

Genghis the Engineer
30th Jan 2002, 11:12
Yes, the BMAA are better negotiators than the light aircraft instructing community and have successfullly shown CAA that licenses airfields add nothing to training safety.