View Full Version : Mozambique VFR Charts - HEEEEELLP!!!

23rd Jan 2002, 04:16
Please, please, puurleeeease can somebody point me in the right direction to find some VFR Charts for Mozambique? Jeppesen don't seem to do them and the ONC ones don't show airspace and are about 20 years out of date. Come on... somebody must know!

I've found an ICAO World Aeronautical Chart for the Maputo and Inhambane areas, and if there's on for those areas, there must be similar ones for the central and north of the country. I refuse to believe that Mozambiquan pilots rely on charts that are 20 years out of date!

Thanks!! :) . .AB

23rd Jan 2002, 05:30
In my time flying around Africa, the best map for VFR flying was the Mich'lin road map.

The Claw
23rd Jan 2002, 11:53
In Mozambique I believe that it was the "free" map handed out at Shell petrol stations...... <img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">

24th Jan 2002, 15:44

I flew around all the licensed airports and several unlicensed strips in Moz for many years.

All that was available then and I doubt it has changed very much were the following:

a) ONC charts. .b) S African VFR charts that covered up as far as Inhambane/Vilanculos. .c) Jepp en-route charts that gave all the reporting points

IMHO - you'd be better off taking your flyying safari to Zim, Bots and Namib.

All the above are far easier to fly in, less expensive to land in, English is understandable and Avgas is generally widely available.

I flew from Maputo to the Skeleton coast and back with a non-pilot mate in a C180. A fun trip!

I'm off for a couple of weeks but feel free to contact me for more info in mid Feb.


26th Jan 2002, 03:12
When flying anywhere remote I use TPC charts rather than ONC if poss (larger scale) and supplement with information from the relevant AIP (not sure if it has its own). If you're in UK you'll find this at the Air Information Service at Heathrow (appointment necessary the day before). They'll let you photocopy the relevant pages FOC. Ring them on 020 8745 3450. They're also very helpful over the phone.

Cheapest place for ONCs/TPCs is The Map Shop (£6 each), Upton upon Severn. 01684 593146.

Among the info. you SHOULD find in the AIP is Danger etc. Areas (on a map if you're really lucky), all nav aids, airways across, any special VFR info., airport information, entry requirements, survival gear to be carried.

Just go all through it. It shouldn't be very thick!