View Full Version : Jump seat ride?

4th Aug 2010, 19:53
I think i am asking the impossible here but would it be possible for me to ride along on the jump seat from London on an airline?

I ask because it will be great to experience the real thrill of flying in a jet cockpit before i go and spend "£xxxxx" on this "career".

I will pay a reasonable amount of money if need be. Also, does not necessarily need to be from London.

Thank you

4th Aug 2010, 20:23
I'm almost certain that the answer is no (I'm sure others will post with reasons why in due course). Your best bet is probably going to be on a flight outside the EU. Last year I flew wizair from Poland to Kiev. Once we were out of EU the pilot seemed happy to let a couple of enthusiasts up onto the flight deck and they remained there until after landing. Maybe you could get I touch with them and try your luck.

It's a shame that such a request is such a big deal these days especially, as you say, it costs so much to train. A lot of money to throw away if you find you don't like it on your first day at the office!

5th Aug 2010, 13:53
Absolute no chance.
Unless you are employed by the airline itself..(not a contracted company).

I have done about 20 sectors in 320's and 757's....dont work there anymore though....:(

5th Aug 2010, 14:10
This letter (http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http://www.dft.gov.uk/foi/responses/2005/jul/securityrules11september2001/letteraboutthesecurityrulesa2332) from the DfT archives should answer your question.

It may be possible in some countries overseas, but not in the UK, nor on flights operating into or out of the UK.

6th Aug 2010, 04:14

dont even ask the question on a North American bound flight... Transport Canada has very strict guidelines about who is authorized on a flight deck and these are pretty much modeled after the FARs.

Internally, if you show your licence, medical, etc you may get on the flight deck if you work for the airline and you have a good reason for being there - but you can thank the good ol' blowing buddy friends of Osama Bin Laden for closing off the flight deck. It's not the industry's fault these morons are morons.

However, I cannot in good faith blame it all on him. It's also the stupid 8 year old kids of the world who want to come up front, ask what "this button does" as they touch it. I'd rather not have to write to my DFO why we scared a whack of people because the kid turned of a generator, pulled a power lever to flight idle or pulled a bunch of circuit breakers causing the autopilot (or other more important system) to disconnect (or worse)

BTW - If you are not sure that you want to be a pilot and need a ride along to convince you - then don't bother, because the road is too expensive, too long and too hard to the top if you don't know right now - but if you still want to play that card, then find one of those synthetic corner simulator jobs, ask them to do a full package including a 6 hour cruise section - that'll tell ya! :}

6th Aug 2010, 11:34
Thank you for your replies. The letter was very interesting to read, although it was very much expected to come in after 9/11.

From what i can gather they have really strict rules here in the E.U and USA.I was going to contact THY but it looks like there joining the E.U very shortly as well.

I may go ahead and book a simulator ride!

Thank you