View Full Version : Tailwheel Conversion

5th Mar 2001, 21:10
Hi guys

Thinking of getting a tailwheel conversion under my belt..does anybody have any recommendations for places to do this? (max. 1 hour from N.London)


Southern Cross
6th Mar 2001, 01:35
I highly recommend Robin or Raj at Panshangar airfield - call 01707 391 791.

45 minutes from central London, so should be less than that from North London. They have a very tidy Supercub. Robin in particular has something in excess of 1100 tailwheel hours. They allow very tight "bad-weather" (even in good weather...) circuits there too - 500 ft (with a climbing turn to downwind), so you get plenty of landings in each hour. Its about £100 per hour brakes off-brakes on. Enjoy.

BTW, only disadvantage is that Robin flys Weds and Sun only....Raj is also part time.

6th Mar 2001, 02:44
Might be a bit too far but Clacton and Sywell both have tailwheel conversions available

Captain Numpty
8th Mar 2001, 01:10
If you can push you travelling time a little further, I would certainly recommend
Air Atlantique at Coventry.....they fly a Cessna T.D. and a shed load of DC-3's. Don't know if you have to have a CPL for this course though......they are certainly worth a call. (Might even get a job out of it!!!) Good Luck.


9th Mar 2001, 17:40

If you don't mind the extra travelling i would strongly recommend Clacton Aero Club, Short Grass strip only 600 metres and then the chance to go and show off the Super Cub's performance in many of the local farmstrips which average about 300 metres, I have done it myself and found it extremely good fun and a great experience, and you get the time in the air that you actually pay for rather than wasting it on the ground. They vcharge around 90 pound an hour dual.

9th Mar 2001, 22:12
Thanks for the advice, guys.

Clacton is a tad far for me, as is Coventry, although both look quite fun. I think I'll be going with one of the guys at Panshanger.

Happy flying...

12th Mar 2001, 15:30
Come down to me @ Compton Abbas or EGHH 2 X Cubs - tons of experience, but no matter who you fly with, make sure you spend more time learning about control techniques for taxiing that worrying about the flying.

Best of luck, and remember stick & rudder together!