View Full Version : Looking for radio suppliers/fitters

4th Mar 2001, 14:37
Anyone got any recommendations for suppliers and fitters of radio boxes? My group is looking for either a simple radio/intercom fit or a combined radio/GPS, eg Garmin 250 XL (I think that's what its called). We are presently being quoted in excess of £3000 for the latter and wonder if we could improve on that.


PS: had my first trip in a Cub yesterday, and can understand why people like them so much. Landings boingy boingy boingy, but that is of course down to the bumpy runway at Waltham and nothing to do with me, honest.

4th Mar 2001, 18:29
Try Paul Shelton at Tatenhill (01283) 575283

Happy to give details of my (very positive) experiences if you want to drop me an e-mail

4th Mar 2001, 18:48
Give Alec at RGV Aviation (Staverton) a try! I've had 2 GPSCOM 250s and a GPS 150 from him - first class work!

Look at www.rgv.co.uk (http://www.rgv.co.uk)

4th Mar 2001, 19:22
I am fitting a new Garmin in my aircraft so I have researched the market.
One shop was cheaper for one combination of avionics and the other for a different combination.
You will hear from some shops why they worth the extra £1000 that they charge and why you should avoid the competition.
If you want, email me to [email protected] You can leave a number if you want me to call you.

6th Mar 2001, 00:47
LowThere's a crowd who have bases in Southend and Bristol who are pants. Made a lash of the installation and my credit card number ended up being used in Southend. I'm not accusing anybody associated with the company of course. Email me if you want further details.

Good avionics bods are like hens teeth in my experience so good luck and stick to personal recommendations.

Cubs are fun aren't they. WW's runways are bumpy as I hope to find out on Sunday!

[This message has been edited by LowNSlow (edited 05 March 2001).]