View Full Version : Air Taxi - operational questions..

1st Aug 2010, 09:35

I have a couple of questions about Air Taxi work in the UK & Europe. Flying in the US and having studied UK and European charts, I was wondering about the following (its something I would like to do if I get around to converting my licences)

Assuming you flying MEP or turbine NON PRESSURISED:

- it seems like most airways in the UK start at around FL80-FL100. Clearly this is going to put you in the weather a lot of the time. I note you're capped from an o2 viewpoint at FL100 (or anytime above?) Is it normal for you to plan your route outside airways (i.e. below) or does your company ops manual dictate that you should always fly airways? (restrictive and not always the best option wx wise)

- assuming you have pax or medevac on board, are you permitted to fly a trip VFR (i.e is it something you do a lot to avoid complication and weather above) or again is it mandatory to stick to airways?

I am just trying to get an idea of how rigid air taxi operations are in the UK / Europe? Where I previously worked it was the pilots call if he wanted to fly IFR or VFR (admittedly being based in a big city, we normally departed IFR and then cancelled to revert to VFR)

It seems that some places prefer you not to go VFR if its a commercial flight? I guess the reasoning is that if you encounter poor weather, its more complicated to get an IFR clearance in Europe?

Another thing - looking at the French Alps, I would wonder if a restriction to FL100 (unless you have o2) is going to allow you to operate in that area in a non pressurised aircraft?

Thanks any info. :ok: