View Full Version : LogTen Pro 5.5

29th Jul 2010, 04:54
Hey guys... does anyone use LogTen Pro 5.5?

I just got the latest update, 5.5, and have tinkered around with it more. I've inputted almost my whole logbook so far, about another 100 hours to go. What are your general feelings about it? Any tips or suggestions? I find a paper log is quite easy and the electronic logs take awhile to setup to your liking but it's utterly fantastic for compiling reports and viewing how many hours you have in each specific airplane or each type, etc. Or how many flights you've done with John Do and many other variables. You can add in photos and long remarks for each flight if you want. So I like all that, just wondering if people using it for awhile have found it to be useful in the long run?
