View Full Version : gyrocopters???

10th Feb 2001, 23:20
Anyone know much about auto gyros. I fly helis offshore but gyros look like fun!

Sorry forgot to add in UK.

[This message has been edited by 365drvr (edited 10 February 2001).]

fallen eagle
11th Feb 2001, 12:26
Hi you can get all the info you need from a chap called Dick Everett at Spruoghton Hall near Ipswich.I think he still markets the Everett autogyro and he is qualified to examin on them.try contacting him through Aeroanglia David Young 01473 824944 BYE 4 NOW

11th Feb 2001, 17:23
Also Roger Savage at Carlisle Airfield, who is one of the seven gyro instructors in the UK. He's also a helo pilot and AFI. I went up there for a trial lesson last year, looking for something cheap and rotary - gyros are indeed fun, but I never got around to going back. Roger has the RAF 2000, which looks like a little helicopter, and another tandem 2-seater gyro, the name of which escapes me right now. There's also a lot of info on the British Rotorcraft Association's webpage; I can't remember the address, but if you do a search on gyros it's easy to find.


To fly is human, to hover, divine.

12th Feb 2001, 02:01
Thanks very much for your info I will chase up these leads.

16th Feb 2001, 01:25
Excellent I had my trial lesson on the 13th...never had so much fun - what a great toy. Bit cold this time of year though, think I'll wait till summer b4 I get a licence.