View Full Version : Making PAs in the cruise

24th Jul 2010, 12:10
Hope it's OK to ask this question in this forum - it seems the most appropriate.

I took a European flight recently and I wondered:

When one pilot is making a PA to the cabin (in the cruise for example), is it possible for the other pilot to still communicate with ATC without his conversation being picked up by the other guy's microphone (which would perhaps puzzle passengers)?

If the answer is "no", then how do you handle ATC communication during a PA? I don't imagine they appreciate waiting for a reply?

One more question, if I may: can the PF make a PA during the cruise or does he have to hand over control to the PNF? I ask this because the F/O on my flight was PF and he made the cruise announcement.

Many thanks, as ever, for satisfying curiosity!

Best wishes

24th Jul 2010, 12:28
When one pilot is making a PA to the cabin (in the cruise for example), is it possible for the other pilot to still communicate with ATC without his conversation being picked up by the other guy's microphone (which would perhaps puzzle passengers)?

Yes, clever microphones etc

One more question, if I may: can the PF make a PA during the cruise or does he have to hand over control to the PNF? I ask this because the F/O on my flight was PF and he made the cruise announcement.

I don't think its quite as formal as that. I simply ask the other guy to keep an eye on things whilst I make a PA. Once finished I let him know that I'm back in the loop.

24th Jul 2010, 12:50
Generally speaking, PF flies and PNF handles the paperwork, fuel checks, radios, weather information and PAs. To get the destination weather, PNF usually gives PF box 1 and listens to the ATIS on box 2 (although he may still monitor box 1 if the frequency is quiet). Once we have the weather, PNF generally does the PA and gives the pax some arrival information, while PF stays with box 1. Afterwards, PNF reselects box 1 and PF briefs him on any updates.

As 77 says, each pilot can select and deselect the radios, intercom and PA channels at will. I can't see an issue with PF doing a PA – we routinely talk to the cabin crew via the intercom when PF, so there's no great difference with talking to the passengers. If we're trusted to hand fly single engine while talking to ATC, I think most of us could manage to monitor the autopilot while doing a PA!

What's more important is that each pilot understands what the other one is doing, and at least one of us is monitoring the radio at all times.

24th Jul 2010, 14:15
Really depends on SOPs i guess. In the outfit i'm working for the PF usually does all inflight PAs from the flightdeck, to do that he has to hand over control to the PM for the duration, same as he has to when he leaves the flightdeck for physical needs, a chat with the flight attendants and the likes.

24th Jul 2010, 14:32
Thanks for the replies.

What does Box 1 and Box 2 mean though?

24th Jul 2010, 17:27
COMM 1 and COMM 2, usually 2 VHF COMM radio available plus one for DATA and HF, Satcom, whatever. On box 1 is usually the active ATC frequency, on box 2 the secondary (cyprus thingy) or guard, ATIS, OPS, mainenance etc.

24th Jul 2010, 17:39
Thanks, Denti.

Yes, it must depend from one company to another. Because on the one I flew with (which begins with "R"), it was definitely the PNF (the captain on that occasion) making announcements such as "cabin crew, seats for departure/landing" etc.

24th Jul 2010, 19:17
Ah, those are actually not what i would call usual PA announcements (to passengers) but rather commands to the cabin crew. We do not use those except in exceptional circumstances, just chimes is usually enough and the cabin organizes the rest themselves.

Capt Claret
25th Jul 2010, 10:52
Under the SPOs I operate to, PF flies & does PA, handing control to PM (pilot monitoring) whilst on the PA.

Old Smokey
26th Jul 2010, 03:53
Interesting how a relatively simple SOP can vary from operator to operator.

For our operation -

Captain makes "Welcome Aboard" PA prior to push-back,

PM makes "standard" PA's to Cabin Crew (e.g. "Cabin Crew to Takeoff Stations")

Captain makes en-route PA's to passengers (for such things as impending turbulence and Seat Belt Sign ON), delegating control to F/O during the PA. (Other non-important PA's are discouraged en-route, refer to 411A's post).

PF makes "Pre-Arrival" PA to passengers (ETA, weather etc.), delegating control to PM during the PA.

F/O makes PA to Cabin Crew after shut-down to disarm cabin doors. (As Captain always takes control to taxy to the gate, and park).

Captain makes all EMERGENCY PA's, such as Evacuation command.

In all cases, Cockpit Speakers are turned OFF prior to all PA's.

Gawd! I didn't know that it was so complex:uhoh:


Old Smokey