View Full Version : P.A.´s in U.S. Airspace

22nd Jul 2010, 21:40
I was hoping that someone would point me in the right direction.

After NW253 in december of last year, the TSA and FAA set in place some restrictions regarding ¨security¨ measures in whilst in U.S. Airspace. They thankfully lasted only one week or so if I recall correctly.

The company I work for, however, kept the Passenger Address restriction and we are currently not allowed to use the P.A. to talk to the passengers during our arrivals into the U.S.

Could someone point me in the proper direction to verify that this limitation was also lifted? I need to find official policy as I´m trying to convince some of the higher ups.

Thanks a million,


23rd Jul 2010, 00:13
Nobody has a clue?

Where were the original restrictions published? And then, where would they have been discontinued?

Thanks to anyone for information.


23rd Jul 2010, 00:35
I think they pertained to PA's of exact locations which might be useful to a terrorist to plan his evil deeds.

Check 6
23rd Jul 2010, 00:54
These restrictions are based on TSA "Security Directives." The one that you are referring to is: TSA Security Directive SD-1544-09-06

I suspect that it was either cancelled or modified. You will have to do some research.

23rd Jul 2010, 02:33
Thank you so much!


23rd Jul 2010, 08:06
I think this was one of the more practical solutions.

Then ear plugs and white noise generators so pax could not hear the gear extension, when landing.

Lastly no applause when landed just in case it wakes up the heavily armed sky marshal from 1B.

No asking the cabin crew do you serve breakfast one hour before landing?

Disconect the sky phone to save the ability to alert ones friends of ones arrival. Sorry forgot that generates revenue.

Almost forgot the lap top with MSFS. Thus no real time LOFT flights.


23rd Jul 2010, 14:21
...we are currently not allowed to use the P.A. to talk to the passengers during our arrivals into the U.S.

Most PA's from the flight deck contain nothing but nonsense anyway...and it interrupts the music/movie.:}

3rd Aug 2010, 20:14
As far as I know the PA restriction still stands.

It's perhaps best not to concern oneself with the validity of it lest one might be disposed towards cynisism

Ladies & Gentlemen please ignore the fact that the airline has indicated a Schedule for this flight, it may take us anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours to reach our destination and our flight today bears no resemblance to our flight with same flight number yesterday. The route has been randomly selected so as to be totally unpredictable, at various times during the flight we may decide to descend, extend flaps and gear, also perhaps secure the cabin. These occurrences should not be construed to indicate any specific phase of flight or indeed its iminent arrival at its destination. Thank you for your attention.

Lord Mount
4th Aug 2010, 05:52
Love it fluf.

You could also add:

.........and the fact that the houses you can see outside the window are getting bigger should in no way be construed as the aircraft decending. In some areas of the US the architecture varies not only in its style but also in its size.