View Full Version : HELIDAYS 2010 @ Weston-super-Mare

2nd Jun 2010, 15:11
Following three meetings at Lakenheath/Mildenhall and a successful application to the US Embassy, I am pleased to announce that the USAF has agreed to provide an MC-130 and HH-60 for Weston-super-Mare’s 20th Anniversary “Helidays” (SUBJECT TO AIRCRAFT SERVICEABILITY AND SAR CALLOUTS). At 1200 LOCAL on Friday 23 July the MC-130 and HH-60 will carry out an Aerial Refuelling Demonstration along the seafront, after which the HH-60 will break off and land on the beach lawns for the duration of the weekend. This should be the spectacular opening to a great weekend!

4th Jun 2010, 13:48
that sounds quite interesting and I am sure will be a crowd puller.
I must say I have always been impressed by the German presence each year.

4th Jun 2010, 14:13
The Germans will be there again this year,along with the French and Belgians.

30th Jun 2010, 22:36
Ah, Helidays! One of the joys of living in WsM is being able to see so many interesting helicopters landing on Beach Lawns. For those of us eager spectators who carry scanners, does anyone have any frequencies we can programme in, please? It is very useful to have a squawk to alert us to incoming traffic, especially when out of range of the pa system. Many thanks!

1st Jul 2010, 14:43

Frequency still TBC, will post on here as soon as known.



1st Jul 2010, 19:19
Thanks SJ, standing by . . .

12th Jul 2010, 07:09
Nice to see a Pavehawk back at the show. Well done for securing that.:ok: "I remember when"....... many moons ago, two a/c flew to Helidays nonstop from Iceland, being refuelled 6(?) times en route. Anyone remember the details? I do remember one of the crew rapelling down to the Beach Lawns!

12th Jul 2010, 10:58
What does the RAF do to upstage the Yanks?

12th Jul 2010, 11:10
Errrrrrr..........not shoot people who are fighting on the same side as us;)

12th Jul 2010, 16:30

... well, there's a company machine nearby with probe & ramp ... and Thales mock up radar. That should amuse the crowds!


13th Jul 2010, 00:07
Nimby you old Sod.....guess you will be there with your pants rolled up and your hanky tied in four knots on your noggin pretending to be on hols!:E

13th Jul 2010, 07:20
What will the RAF do ??
If only.Just turning up to support the event would be nice.I think this year they have managed a Sea King from Chivenor on one day only.

13th Jul 2010, 11:03
do you know which day the sea king will be present?

13th Jul 2010, 12:24
I remember the visit of the last Pavehawk, pilot ignored all ATC instructions, caused a stampede of the donkeys on the beach, sent rubbish and people flying everywhere and just got out and sat on a bench and lit up a cigarette not a word of apology.

UK military helicopters have always been slow to support Helidays despite the very hard work of the organisers over the last 20 years. Overseas military have been generous and supportive throughout the years and the British MOD should be ashamed of them selves.

Missed a high profile recruiting opportunity.

13th Jul 2010, 12:32
THM ... the story about the Pavehawk is not quite true ... yes the donkeys and public were scattered, but when I quizzed him about it the pilot replied "No Ma'am there were no obstacles on the beach ..." But he did apologise very politely and very profusely when he came face-to-face with those affected!

My personal US favourite was the Black Hawk from a couple of years ago ... for reasons I won't go into here.

Breaking News ... the RAF Sea King will now be present for TWO days - Saturday and Sunday.

14th Jul 2010, 07:38
Good news about the Sea King and to be fair to our boys in blue/khaki/navy blue ,they will probably be providing helicopter cover at Farnborough that week ,but still.
What about Westland then .Can't they sneak something up this year or does the same apply......Just think of those juicy Algerian aircraft just across the bay and the AW139 at Valley ??
Anyone got any influence ?

14th Jul 2010, 17:51
Thanks THM & misbee for filling in the saga of the Pavehawks.............I wasn't going to mention about the donkeys! Are they like elephants, 'they never forget?' If so, someone will have to make sure they're reined in this time!
Partly agree on the comments on participation by the Brits....the organisers do invite, but you can't 'lead a donkey to water.'(sorry couldn't resist that one.) I assume requests for attendance have to be chanelled thro' the MOD, so what you get is up to them.
Anyway, would you want assorted Sea Kings/Chinooks turning up and filling half of the Beach Lawns, leaving no room for that potential tasty 'foreign' visitor from:-(fill in your own fantasy visitor here) or even in this case the USAF? Then again, one of those Mi-8's from Boscombe would be nice.............

15th Jul 2010, 07:13
Heli1 - Yes always surprised that AW do not send an aircraft and just park it for the weekend like they did with the A109 a few years ago.

SAROSKEETERMAN - We can always make room for any visitor no matter how big or small.

Never understand why some of the visitors to RIAT don’t continue their “training flights” to take in Helidays.

15th Jul 2010, 15:58
If you've been before or if you've never been can I ask that you make this the year that you pop into Helidays at Weston-super-Mare to help celebrate our 20th Birthday? Helicopters gratefully received 23rd, 24th and 25th July.

As well as 101 other things on my to-do list, I'm making cake ... and you wouldn't want to miss that would you? (There will also be the usual supplies of more interest to the average (and above average) pilot at the barbecue).

I'd hate to think that some of you might miss out on the chance to fly onto the Beach Lawns at Weston.

You can get contact info on the Helidays website HELiDAYS (http://www.helidays.org)

And no, there is no landing fee!

18th Jul 2010, 18:58
I have attended this event every year from 2000, (if my memory is correct), with various types of machine. Unless i keel over before next friday i will be there again. Can i claim some sort of record, or can anyone top it. Bug

18th Jul 2010, 21:23
HELiDAYS (http://www.helidays.org)
Who is going?
approach 130.675mHz

19th Jul 2010, 07:35
Well I'm home from my rota in Doha and I live in Somerset. So yes I'm going, if only to those old mates of moine that I haven't seen in ages and cheese them off by telling them how much I earn a month! :}

22nd Jul 2010, 07:46
BUMP! Don’t forget about the MC-130 and HH-60 Aerial Refuelling Demonstration at 1200 LOCAL tomorrow. There is a very strong possibility that this will be the last ever “Helidays” so let’s go out in style and get as many PPRuNers there as possible! Like the Mildenhall Air Fete, you won’t realize how much you miss it until it has gone!

22nd Jul 2010, 09:13
Why is it the last?:{
Health & safety?
Local council?
Organisers run out of steam?
Does not pay?

22nd Jul 2010, 11:03
Not the council or health and safety ,as they have been very supportive....more a question of running out of steam I suspect after 20 years and rising costs/loss of sponsorship.
Perhaps if there is a good turnout this year and an input of new volunteers to help the organisers might be persuaded to continue?

22nd Jul 2010, 17:34
Thanks 500e, scanner loaded and standing by. Just the one frequency, Beach Lawns Tower, the Heli Museum uses hand paddle signals. Ann says two A109s are there already.

I heard the problems are insufficient volunteers and lack of financial support from the council. Not sure which council, we have two tiers, one for Weston-super-Mare and one for North Somerset, both based in WsM.

Weston Mercury report (http://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/content/twm/news/story.aspx?brand=Westonmercury&category=news&tBrand=westonmercury&tCategory=znews&itemid=WeED21%20Jul%202010%2015%3A07%3A00%3A680)
Weston-super-Mare Town Council (http://www.weston-super-maretowncouncil.gov.uk/town-council/meet-the-councillors.aspx)

22nd Jul 2010, 19:51
Insufficient volunteers is a good way of putting it, as is rising costs and lack of sponsorship. Andrunning out of steam is another! ... Personally I don't have an ounce of puff left in me ... let alone steam!

There is a petition going round the Helidays site to save the event. PLEASE don't sign it. I would hate to think I've made this cake for nothing.

22nd Jul 2010, 21:34
Inject a fair amount of brandy in cake put in tin & seal, will last for years or so my old Gran said (perhaps another 20)
Am away this weekend her indoors reminded me in rather a forceful way, something like"if you think a day or so at W-S-M is a substitute" :=

22nd Jul 2010, 21:41
Hmmmmph. I can think of a much better use for Brandy ...

Crumbs ... How could anyone not want to come to Weston for a day or two or three? I'm still accepting bookings if anyone doesn't have a better offer.

23rd Jul 2010, 07:59
I still think the Irish could have dropped one of their new Augusta 139's on the lawn for the public to see up close for one or two of those days.

23rd Jul 2010, 10:37
I requested details by email via the website and got no reply! Too late for me, now.

23rd Jul 2010, 15:29
Quite a few military choppers present including two Belgian A109s, Sea King from Chivenor, Pave Hawk, plus Police-01 and an R22. Bell 47G-5 G-BAXS was there looking beautiful as ever. The Ring Rotor Bug looked nice too.

Aerial activity included the 'flight refuelling' display by MC-130 and Pave Hawk, the MC-130 trailing two drogues and Hawk coming as close as was permitted. One of the A-109s gave an impressive ten minute aerobatic display including most of the manoeuvres seen on their YouTube videos.
Ride the display here



Plenty of spotters from uk and Europe taking pics and noting numbers, several scanners seen in use, can confirm the approach frequency is 130.675MHz.

23rd Jul 2010, 19:19
Shytorque ... I'm really sorry about that, I can't reply to emails during the day as I don't seem to be able to access them from the beach lawns using my iToy (we don't have that wonderous 3G access here) - I have tried to catch up this evening and have also set up an autoreply message for the emails which gives further details.

Hopefully it's not too late ... an email send via the website or direct to westonsuper @ helidays.freeserve.co.uk (without the gaps!) will get you the info, and also tell you how to go about joining us.

23rd Jul 2010, 20:14
misbee, thanks for replying here but I have made alternative plans for the weekend now. :)

23rd Jul 2010, 23:37
The museum does of course have some influence on the local council - well, at least via this councillor (http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/cairo/councillors/mem4.asp).... Would you agree, Heli1?

It would indeed be sad if the museum is running out of volunteers they could divert down to the beach lawns for a few days. If the organisers of the helidays (from the museum) are running out of steam, does this mean the museum is too? Hope not, as it's always a good visit there!

24th Jul 2010, 03:16
Last time I looked I wasn't from the museum (yes some of the weekend volunteers are but certainly not all of them!) and I'm the one who has run out of steam so I think the museum must be safe!

Have to agree though, I paid a visit to the museum a couple of weeks ago for the first time in a few years and it's looking great.

24th Jul 2010, 08:11
I have one spare seat in the front of a 109 going to HeliDays leaving this morning around 1145 local from Redhill free to anyone who understands what deodorant is (flown with some smellies before, not good) !

If anyone wants a free one way trip to WSM Helidays today 24th July 2010 call me 07775631465.

You must be willing to sort yourself out at the other end though, with regards to transport back to Redhill we are only staying 2 hours and I will be continuing on Northbound after that.

24th Jul 2010, 20:34

On Saturday Beach Lawns was packed with interesting aircraft, headed by a nice pair of vintage Brantley B.2B, the Heli Museum fielded c/n 446 G-OAPR, posing beside a sleek Jaguar with matching number plate, whilst c/n 481 G-AWDU stood nearby.


The Chivenor Sea King was back in again to provide cover, and made a nice pass along the beach before landing. The Belgian A109 repeated yesterday's spectacular aerobatic display early afternoon.


Other military machines present, in no particular sequence, were: the Pave Hawk whose crew were great favourites with local young ladies, RAF Recce ZS703 Bell Griffin from RAF Valley, a German Sea King from Glucksburg, ZR322 Royal Air Force AW-109E and Belgian A109s H23 and H28.


Civils included the Air Ambulance, R44 G-OHAM, Gazelle G-CBGZ, Bell 47G G-BAXS, G-BXTV Bug 2, Heliflight 04, Enstrom 280FX G-PBYY, G-SAMP A109 11673, G-JANI R44 and N2742 Hughes 500.

The Chivenor Sea King was scheduled to depart last but suffered a hydraulic leak so had to remain grounded. Another is expected tomorrow. The closing music was the Holy Modal Rounders "If you want to be a Bird" which conjured up happy memories of Jack Nicholson in baseball helmet holding his arms wide on the pillion of Peter Fonda's Harley and the antics of the late and much-missed Dennis Hopper on his Harley alongside.

Apologies for any errors or omissions. Looking forward to pics posted by folk with proper cameras.

24th Jul 2010, 22:32
thank you mike for those pics, cant get there myself this year so have been checking eagerly for anyone posting some pics, mighty glad you did.

25th Jul 2010, 08:11
Have to agree with ppheli, if it wasn't for the Councillor this event would never have started and the North Somerset Council obviously fully cooperates.Sad that the WSM town council gives no help at all so obviously his influence is limited !
Great line up again this year though so congrats to all and really hope people all rally around so that it can continue.

25th Jul 2010, 19:37

Helidays is one of Weston-super-Mare's top tourist attractions and provides amusement for families on holiday here. On Beach Lawns in addition to the helicopter landing strip and control tower there is a funfair with stalls, shooting gallery, charity tents, raffles, food and ice-creams, slides and rides. There is a display of WWII military vehicles down each side.


Sunday started with all the military machines in place, A109s from Belgium and RAF, German Sea King, US Pave Hawk, RAF Griffin and the grounded Chivenor Sea King ZH541. The Sea King crew had been picked up and taken back to Chivenor late Saturday and an engineer started work on the hydraulics early Sunday morning. A second Sea King ZH544 arrived mid morning bringing the crew to collect ZH541 and did a run along the sea front before landing next to its stablemate.


Flying in were G-TRUE McDonnell Douglas MD-500, G-OJAZ Robinson R44 II c/n 11216, Police-01 Eurocopter EC135 which made a high speed run down the landing area and G-NDAA Great Western Air Ambulance came in at a fast pace. Enstrom 480 G-IGHH was advertising protective clothing for extreme sports. Robinson R44 Raven G-OTJS and Dorset Air Ambulance Eurocopter EC135T2+ G-DORS came in around midday while G-OJAZ and G-TRUE left about the same time. The stricken Chivenor Sea King ZH541 was repaired and ready to go and left at 1245, whilst ZH544 stayed to provide cover. Robinson R-22 Beta, G-ZAPY, arrived around lunch-time.


In the afternoon the visiting civils left one by one, in a ten to twelve knot gusting west wind, whilst the military types had all coincidentally elected to leave around 1700hrs. The first to power up was the RAF Griffin and they left a little before 1700, flying straight out across the beach, making a left hand circuit and returning with a pass along the beach.



The Pave Hawk lifted off just after five and flew straight out over the sands, circled to the right and made a fly-past right to left, with the crowds of onlookers waving farewell.http://mjr.org.uk/pprune-011.jpg

The two Belgian A109s took off in quick succession and made off to the south, turning to fly north just as the German Sea King took off.



The three formed up for a fly past, then did a break, the Sea King flew off south and the two A109s made a final pass.


The last aircraft to take off was the RAF AW109, and it lifted up a hundred feet, then put its nose vertically down and dived into a horizontal dash to seaward, followed by a high speed pass along the beach. A grand finale to a grand weekend.

Again apologies for any errors or omissions. Hopefully there will be lots of pics posted once folk have got home and got their images sorted.

26th Jul 2010, 07:49
Nice pix Mike WSM.I saw most of the mil Sunday evening parked in a corner of Weston airfield,presumably to depart for home today.
It really was a great weekend and thanks to the hard working team ,especially Sponsors Elfan Ap Rees and his daughter ,for organising it.What news for next year if they are pulling out ??

26th Jul 2010, 17:53
Thanks Heli1, appreciated.
Some really good pics are available at:
Friends of The Helicopter Museum (http://www.hmfriends.org.uk/hd10gallery.htm)
Fighter Control (http://www.fightercontrol.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=15185)
UK Emergency Aviation (http://www.ukemergencyaviation.co.uk/Helidays-2010.htm)
Air Britain (http://www.abpic.co.uk/search.php?q=Weston%20Helidays%202010&u=airshow)
Weston Mercury (http://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/content/twm/flatfiles/photos/events/helidays2010.aspx)

7th Sep 2010, 20:08
A little time has passed since you took those pics Mike. Really good they are too. Nice to see you've shown some of the other attractions, it's not all about us chopper enthusiasts! "joe-public" get good value for money I reckon. My wife and I manned a charity stall this year and it was great fun chatting to all the visitors.
Super weekend! A big thankyou :D must go to Elfan, Claire and all of the volunteers that worked so hard to make it such a successful event.