View Full Version : non NATS airports

14th Jul 2010, 22:09
As i don't have enough GCSE's to apply for NATS i have to decided between taking the needed GCSE(s) or self funding the training.

I'm contemplating going off to cwmbran or astacs to take the basic and APS course.

Obviously id like to get a job placement at a unit before as its quite a large financial commitment to make.

Can anyone give me any advice on actually getting a placement at an airport. Is it best to just write to any suitable airports and offer my services explaining i am going to take the relevant course?
I have a feeling I'm not going to be taken to seriously without a student license in place so it seems a bit of a catch 22.

Does anyone know of or has anyone been through a self funded course and is now working as an ATCO? Whats the pay like for a student while doing OJT?

Is taking the APS course going to be the best way to get in or would the APP or Tower course be a better idea?

Any advice would be gratefully received thank you :ok:

14th Jul 2010, 22:36
It would be far cheaper and infinitely more sensible to take the GCSEs and then apply to NATS, if you don't then you face a very expensive time ahead.

Very few, if any non NATS Airports will take you on for your panacea - "employ me and train me", every single one of them will have existing staff who are already in line for training at some time or other, so, playing devils advocate, why should they employ an unknown quantity such as yourself.
In almost every case, trainee ATCOs at non NATS Units have been ATC Assistants for at least a couple of years.

If you can afford the substantial cost and financial risk of self funding, ADI and APS are essential if you want to command a decent salary, APP is highly desirable but not quite as important as it once was. If you get all the ratings you will be a marketable commodity, but there are no guarantees.

Plenty has been said about self funding on these pages previously but the salient points are:

Be aware of the substantial costs involved, (it's not just course costs but subsistance as well and you'll have no salary at all while you are training).
Be aware that you could be chopped at any time if you fail to meet the requisite standards and you won't get your money back, (not good if you've borrowed the money).
You are not guaranteed any employment even if you do get all the ratings.

There's a lot to think about, especially in these economic times but, whichever route you take, if you make it through the training, you'll be doing one of the best jobs in the world.

Good luck.

15th Jul 2010, 08:11
Bear in mind also that some employers (certainly mine) will want 5 GCSE at C or above including English Language and Mathematics as well as an ATCO licence. What GCSE do you have? Without wanting to sound negative the training for an ATCO licence is much, much harder than studying for GCSE exams so if you've struggled with that then I'd politley suggest that paying for your own ATCO training is not a good idea. In fact, I believe that paying for your own training is never a good idea in any circumstances when there are people (NATS and occasionally others) who will pay for it on your behalf.

15th Jul 2010, 15:51
I only have three A-C GCSE's not including maths and English got D's for those. I wish i had worked harder at school and got better grades but that wasn't the case and 15 years on i can see the error in my ways and want to change things! I really believe that my GCSE grades are not a true representation of my intelligence and aptitude 15yrs on.

So i guess doing the GCSE's I need is the best way and then apply to NATS after that.

I take on board that its going to be a LOT harder to train to become an ATCO than doing some GCSE's but I believe I could do it and am willing to give it my best...

7th Aug 2010, 10:23
Ive been looking into self funding with ASTAC also, but just as a back up plan. Im having my stage 1 with NATS shortly and don't fancy waiting another whole year to apply again if I don't make the grade.

May struggle to get the £27,800 there asking for though!

Ive enquired about a career progress loan, but they will only lend max £10,000. Its a start though i suppose. However, by self funding you get to choose what area you want to work in, ive always wanted to work in aerodrome/approach.

With NATS you don't get a choice and 80% become area controllers. On the other hand, making the grade at NATS would still obviously be a dream come true.

Barnaby the Bear
8th Aug 2010, 19:21
Qualified Air Traffic Control Officer plus Air Traffic Control Assistant (ATCA) / Trainee ATCO - London Southend Airport / Carlisle Airport - 1400902424 - Flight Jobs (http://www.flightglobal.com/jobs/job/qualified-air-traffic-control-officer-plus-air-traffic-control-assistant-atca-trainee-atco-london-southend-airport-carlisle-airport-southend-on-sea-1400902424.htm)

A recent advert in Flight. You will notice a requirement for A-level standard of education.

9th Aug 2010, 10:04
Barnaby, is this standard requirements for a trainee ATCO vacancy?

Surely, if you have a student ATC license you stand in better stead than somebody with a few A-levels in P.E?

9th Aug 2010, 10:11
SS10.. One would think so, but employers are entitled to demand whatever qualifications they consider to be desirable.

If you don't get through the NATS assessments you need to seriously ask yourself why before spending all that cash.

Good luck....

9th Aug 2010, 12:09
a requirement for A-level standard of educationThis may not necessarily mean that you actually have to have passed any A-levels - it may be enough that you kept yourself out of the job market until you were 18!

9th Aug 2010, 23:08
Surely, if you have a student ATC license you stand in better stead than somebody with a few A-levels in P.E?

That would rather depend on your explanation for only having a student licence as opposed to a full validated ATCO licence with least one rating, then convincing the interview board that they should spend upward of £50k on your training when you may have already failed once.

The competition for this particular post will be bright young things, bristling with good, solid academic qualifications with high pass marks and there'll be stacks of them.

I strongly suspect that Southend, (in line with a lot of other similar airports taking on ATSAs for future ATCO training), are seeking someone willing to learn every aspect of ATC at a regional airport who will be ready for ATCO training as part of the unit plan to replace retiring ATCOs.

As HD said, employers can demand whatever qualifications they feel appropriate these days. Having a student ATCO licence is one thing, but it pails into significance compared to a good all round education with good academic exam results.