View Full Version : Genoa Handling

6th Jul 2010, 20:49
Is it just that I have been unlucky...................or is this truly the most appalling place with the rudest, most unhelpful and downright obstructive and vile ground staff that one will encounter anywhere?

I have been there a few times recently.

No marshalling...no rubbish collection......absolutely bare minimum assistance with pax and baggage. Aircraft services.........well if they turn up you will more than likely find an operative staring up at an open hydraulics panel wondering where to connect the potable water.....

Any personnel who arrive are completely preoccupied with prioritising getting their paperwork filled out and getting paid and the concept of rendering anything that might otherwise be considered service is totally alien.

In an attempt to interest the lady concerned in assisting I pointed out that one of my passengers was severely disabled and help would be very much appreciated with his baggage.

"That is his problem.....not mine....I have to go..."

Honestly those were her very words to me.

What on earth is going on here.....and why is there no proper handling facility here?

6th Jul 2010, 21:23
I have encountered some little problems with them, nothing to compare with yours (surely bigger).

I was left alone in the middle of the apron with a beautiful sun over my head for about 30 min, waiting for fuel assistance.

Some problems too at the handling desk: nobody talked to me or was interested to me. Only one guy that works very well:ok:

6th Jul 2010, 22:02
No, you are not alone; the place is truly ****e. They have turned obstruction into an art form.

Shiner Pilot
6th Jul 2010, 23:01
They simply do not deserve business, they treat you like poo...
It is very boring going there, have many many horror storys about that place...
They just don't care.


7th Jul 2010, 05:28
Amazing, I havent been there for about 6 years and it sounds just the same. Also, my colleague and I hailed a taxi in town and said "can you take us to a nice bar" and were promptly transported to a brothel :eek:. We did stay and had a beer (only), the "landlords" wife was English and they ended up buying us drinks, strange place.

7th Jul 2010, 07:58
No worse than any other Italian airport, tried Naples/Pisa lately? You just have to take it with a pinch of salt and smile sweetly while they do their paperwork and faff about.

Golden rule, get fuel on arrival. We always leave plenty of time to get things done - at least 2 hours prior to departure. Probably best to get your own catering as Italian catering is truly shocking!!!

There are upsides though, brunette in Genoa handling office - yes please:E

7th Jul 2010, 08:31
In Genoa last week, back this week. Past experiences mirror all above, however..... this week was excellent! Very helpful handler sorted us out well, even went to the Ops Office and did the paperwork for us (with the dreaded shiny sticker....). Invoice very reasonable, can't explain it.

Then flopped down to Pisa - again, usually grim! Delta Aerotaxis were superb, could not have been more helpful. It's all a bit worrying really......

Shiner Dude - they were rude to you because you look like Belushi! :E

Martin Barnes
8th Jul 2010, 07:08
the secret is to get hold of all the forms in advance including the
slips of paper the customs office hand write all the passport details on.

I believe you can book VIP handling at extra cost which irons out the delays.

Its got to be better than naples

8th Jul 2010, 10:37
ah well..........it least its not just me!

Interestingly one of our native Italian pilots mentioned that the Mafia have a stranglehold on the airport and they are the reason that no one is allowed to open any VIP handling facility....

Thanks for the advice Martin....will certainly get theforms before next time but ref the VIP handling....yes this was booked....(and invoiced of course!)....but was it there???????

No of course not

When our ops rang to speak to AGS to ask where it was they just put the phone down.........five times.
