View Full Version : GA to Libya

1st Jul 2010, 20:11
I'm planning to do an IFR trip down to Libya with a Cessna P210 in the next week or so. Wondering if anyone has any experience of flying into Tripoli GA wise.....anything to watch out for etc.

1st Jul 2010, 20:25
I assume you've let them know that you'd like to visit?

If you are on any sort of business travel you need a letter of invitation from a company based there (doesn't matter if it's not Libyan) [B]and[B] you need a visa and biometric passport.
If it's a private flight you'll need a letter of invitation from a credible person in Libya who will be hosting you to obtain specific permission.
There only used to a handful of their embassies world wide which could issue visas and give specific permissions etc but I don't know what the situation is now.

Either way, unless you are a tourist travelling with a recognised company, there's a lot of running around to do before you even fuel the plane.

1st Jul 2010, 21:39
You might want to get in touch with Sam Rutherford, either by PM or by visiting his website at | p r e p a r e 2 go | come here before you go there (http://www.prepare2go.com/). He's got extensive experience with flying in Libya and other African countries and frequents this forum on and off.

Artistic Intention
2nd Jul 2010, 08:10
I went on one of Sams trips last year. If you can get into Mitiga (HLLM) rather than Tripoli International (HLLT) life will be much easier for you. It's also closer to the city centre if that's where you are going.

At HLLT getting avgas is a bit of performance. You need to find the fuel company, tell them how much you want and get an invoice for it. Then go into the terminal pay your invoice and bring it back out. Back to the fuel company and then they will fuel the aeroplane.

ATC on arrival was quite busy, but on departure dead quiet.

We had an agent to get us through immigration etc., I don't know if that is compulsory.

If you can get him Sam will tell you everything you need to know.

2nd Jul 2010, 09:47
ok thanks for the info that's exactly what I needed to know i'll try and get intouch with Sam.

much appreciated.

2nd Jul 2010, 10:52
I've just been down to Sitia LGST in Crete (again...) and Libya is just down the road from there.

I planned a visit in 2007 but gave up after seeing the hassle. All that "local sponsorship" crap. Having been down to N Africa a few times (not GA) I am sure one could just land and pull out a bundle of 1000 $ and all would be "smoothed" in the traditional African way... Same for Luxor - another trip I planned.

No doubt it can be done, and is probably easier now than in 2010 (not least due to the people who have done it, being accessible for their hints and tips) but you have to ask yourself whether it is worth the hassle.

Crete is practically N Africa and is far easier. Sitia is a GA heaven; a port of entry and has avgas.

Not wishing to deny others the adventure :)

There are also 3 or 4 agents who will arrange overflight/landing permissions and visas. I think most people end up using these agents. I was quoted £70/person for the permits.

Sam Rutherford
5th Jul 2010, 20:48
We fly regularly into/through Libya. Everything from gyrocopters, microlights, helicopters and GA, even a Citation jet.

We're able to do it because we've been operating on the ground there for 10 years now (tv/film and rally stuff). In Libya, it's all about the contacts.

Essentially, it's perfectly possible but it takes time (and money) to put together.

Safe flights, Sam.