View Full Version : Who's going to Wroughton?

8th May 2001, 22:38
There's supposed to be 500+ A/C flying in so I guess some of them will be ours. Are you going and if so, which day?

Negative 'G'
8th May 2001, 23:28
Yup weather permitting,sadly on Sunday only though :)

Chilli Monster
9th May 2001, 14:24
Just been asked (yesterday evening!) if I'll do some of the ATCO'ing for it on both days - the joys of doing special events :)


[This message has been edited by Chilli Monster (edited 09 May 2001).]

Shaggy Sheep Driver
9th May 2001, 15:08
All being well I'll be there Saturday in Chipmunk G-BCSL.


Four Holer Roller
9th May 2001, 17:46
See you there....weather looks promising!!

14th May 2001, 23:57
Did you go to Wroughton ??
Lovely weather - but couldn't go - our strip is still too soft to use!

Negative 'G'
15th May 2001, 00:18
Yeah,went down Sunday AM & then got chased out by a thunder storm late afternoon,a very enjoyable day though,I believe there was in the region of 140 aircraft on the Sunday & 260 on Saturday ! :)
All in all an excellent bash and roll on the next one.

15th May 2001, 00:31
Chilli Monster
ATCO-ing?? Did you do it? No disrespect intended but one of my locally based pilot mates described it to me as 'absolute carnage'...and the answerphone message whenI tried to book in for Sunday said something about "due to CAA restrictions....no more visitors etc. etc."?
Genuinely (vested!) interest..email me if you prefer!

Chilli Monster
15th May 2001, 01:24
mats part 3

e-mail me direct with your 'vested interest' - it's a bit silly me e-mailing you when I don't know what you want to know.

As to the 'absolute carnage' I would say that was rather an over the top comment, but at it's busiest it was no different to the PFA. However, there are certain issues that need to be resolved before a similar event of that size takes place next year on the organisational side.


Girl Flyday
15th May 2001, 01:28
Why 'carnage', exactly? It seemed to run like clockwork to me... although I must admit it was a pity that people trying to book in got turned away.

But the event seems to have been a lot more popular than anticipated, and so I suppose it was inevitable that they had to restrict numbers - although Chilli Monster did a fantastic job, and there are quite a few changes planned for next year...

15th May 2001, 18:08
Excellent day out (on the Sunday)

I had no problem with ATC; departure went like clockwork I thought, even when the Messenger had a brake binding problem.

I found the reporting point on the way in too close to Wroughton, so you were on top of it rather quickly after leaving Lyneham, and I think attention could have been given in the blurb to the fact that Wroughton is fairly high up (680 feet)

Great day out though......

Pictures of the last two years at www.beney.org.uk (http://www.beney.org.uk) This year's will be there soon

[This message has been edited by dde0apb (edited 15 May 2001).]