View Full Version : LZ outside airports Poland & czech

30th Jun 2010, 14:13

I have a heli trip from Belgium to some place on the Poland/Czech border.
I was wondering what the regalementation is concerning LZ's outside the normal airports.
In Belgium if it's a one time landing you'll only need the approval of the owner of the land.
France you need a special personal certificate valid for 1 year.
Germany you also need a special certificate...
The Netherlands is hopeless...only special preserved spots.

Now I'm wondering what the deal is in Poland and Czech...
Unofficially I heard that in Poland it isn't a problem to land outside airports..

If I'm wrong please correct me.

One more question not really related to this topic. I'm looking to do an IR (H) very cost effectively. To improve my market value to find a job.
I hold a JAA CPL(A) IR ME piston & CPL(H)

Thank you very much

30th Jun 2010, 14:30
contact Alfa Helicopter in Brno...they should know:ok:


30th Jun 2010, 20:07
In Czech Republic you must have priori written permition from landowner, and then you can land anywhere except: reservations, inside cities and villages, some 50meters form nearest building or people. No matter is you land for private use or for bussiness. VFR day only of course.

Usually helicopter pilots in Czech land wherever they want, as long as they assume, that there is nobody around, who will complain.

1st Jul 2010, 17:15
Poland shouldn't be a problem. AFAIK, you can land anywhere, unless you do it in the middle of a city. Haven't heard of anybody having any problems, being harassed by the Police, etc.

1st Jul 2010, 18:47
I am not aware that there is any problem in Germany or Denmark and Holland . ie you just need owners permission to land ?

4th Jul 2010, 20:54
did you read my pm?