View Full Version : IMC: where to train?

Jolly Tall
3rd May 2001, 17:28
Can anyone recommend a good IMC training organisation in the Northern half of England? That is, one that offers good quality training without costing the earth.

3rd May 2001, 23:06
Try Newcastle Aero Club, £95 Hr (inc. VAT) on PA28's. Tel - 0191 2861321

I did my PPL, IMC and Night there.

Ask for Ian Chambers he's a good egg and does a lot of the IMC training.



Tricky Woo
4th May 2001, 15:34
Jolly Tall,

Which part of Reet Nice Oop North do you hale from? Macclesfield? Newcastle Upon Tyne? Scouse? Derby? Sheffield? Preston? York? People's Republic of Manchester? Carlisle?

Narrow it down a bit...


Jolly Tall
4th May 2001, 16:43

Leeds, but willing to travel (a bit).

Downt tha laak it oop ere lad (or lass)?

Tricky Woo
4th May 2001, 17:12
Nowt wrong wit' t'North, lad. Ahm a thieving Northern bugger lahk yew.


4th May 2001, 17:36
Cripes, chaps, those northern oiks are here. There goes the neighbourhood... ;)

4th May 2001, 19:02
You know what they say about Cheshire boys, " Cheshire born Cheshire bred, strong in arm, tic in head"

4th May 2001, 22:16
Multiflight and Leeds Flying School at Leeds & Bradford, and Sherburn Aero Club near Selby

Jolly Tall
4th May 2001, 23:15
Thanks TooHotToFly, can you recommend all 3?

Any more comedians got any wise cracks about life under the leaden skies of the Northern wastelands?

Final 3 Greens
7th May 2001, 11:35
As you asked ....

Did you know that copper wire was invented by a Scot and a Tyke fighting over a penny coin?

(PS: I am a bit of both, so allowed to say this!)

8th May 2001, 11:40
I say! It's bad enough having to work with Germans here in Cologne but is it really necessary to have to consort with Northern Types whilst goofing off? I mean, it's not as if you chaps can afford the costs of flying lessons anyway so why not just spend the paucity you do have on whippets and brown ale. And cheesy peas. Mind you, we had a chap from Buckinghamshire at Uni and he was OK. Very handy for Rugby League tips.

Tinkerty tonk,

Cap'n Crunch

PS - Is it true that you all live underground?

Tricky Woo
8th May 2001, 13:28
Righ' you lot... yew've bluddy well 'ad it naow. You won' a thick ear or who'?

(Imagine a gentle Salford patois).

8th May 2001, 13:59
Well, quite.
Mad for it.
The job is indeed a good one.

btw Fantastic name. How is dear Mrs. Pummfrey?