View Full Version : Something for the weekend!!

1st May 2001, 17:06
As I look out of my window at a typical, grey, wet City of London day, in the ever optimistic hope of good wx for the weekend how about sharing any interesting plans we have, flying wise, for the bank holiday. If enough of us plan something the wx gods may shine on us and give us a few days to remember!

For my part I WILL BE going to Strasbourg, via Reims and Charleville with my Arrow and 6 other aircraft for a good social few days talking about flying, flying and more flying!

Anyone else doing anything interesting?


1st May 2001, 17:22
Hopefully my cross-country qualifier; Exeter, Bristol & Bournemouth (advanced apologies to Compton Abbas and all other waypoints http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif )

Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee be CAVOK.

[This message has been edited by bcfc (edited 01 May 2001).]

1st May 2001, 18:58
I took a valuable week off work this week just so I could fly: to Carlisle (from Blackbushe), to Guernsey and Lands end. So far I've got as far as the tea at the club. Really depressing! The weather looks great in the north for a change.

2nd May 2001, 17:22
I can see clearly now the rain has gone! Looking good for the w/e so far! Any more for any more?


Simon W
2nd May 2001, 21:00
Saturday and Sunday will be no flying because it's my birthday and I think I shall be consuming a few/many beers. I hope to be pounding round the circuit (watch out people at Wycombe!) on Monday and Tuesday chasing that first solo chance!

You Aint Seen Me. Roit!
6th May 2001, 22:58
Arrow 2

Its Sunday evening and I'm depressed. I've only just seen your post and @ve missed it.

I've had an aircraft at my disposal all weekend and although I've done some good flying, I reckon you just might have had a better time than me!

That'll teach me to read this sight a little more often won't it!

I hope you had a good one.

8th May 2001, 17:34
YASM,R Well great w/e aviating but didn't go to Strasbourg as wx in Western France pretty grot. Routed Deauville, Quiberon, Royan, Nantes and back to Blackbushe. Quiberon my favourite.


9th May 2001, 17:28

Was one of your party flying a 177RG (from Panshangar.) Sounds like you had some fun. Understand that the X-winds at Deauville were a little testing!!

[This message has been edited by Lemoncake (edited 09 May 2001).]

10th May 2001, 15:10
Lemoncake - that sure was us! The X-winds were, shall I say, "Character Building" !!

Do we know you? Were you there? I deny all stories you may have heard about me and the weekend!!!


10th May 2001, 16:45

Check your mail!!


You Aint Seen Me. Roit!
10th May 2001, 23:52

Shame you didn't make it to Strasbourg, but it sounds like you had fun.

How many aircraft went? Do you do this type of trip often? Count me in next time....please!

13th May 2001, 17:22
Lemoncake - see your mail.

YASMR, 7 aircraft, 16 people - a bit of a party. Early and late May BHols, late August B Hol as well. All sorts of places, mainly France, furthest for me was Corsica end of May last year. Always good fun...
