View Full Version : Management/ non-line flying jobs in Flight Operations after getting CPL

22nd Jun 2010, 19:20
What kind of management jobs or non-line flying jobs (but still in flight operations) can one try for after a CPL?

Ones I could come up with are

Operations Analysis/ FOQA

22nd Jun 2010, 19:51
How about working in ATC, or airport system control sound interesting for you?

22nd Jun 2010, 23:25
It would depend what your previous aviation experience amounted to. Difficult to imagine you would be any use in the three areas you mention without a lot of previous, relevant time. A recently qualified CPL is usually only useful to aviation as a junior pilot at the back of the learning curve.

With your current position as an Ops Manager a CPL would help you to understand the pilot's problems a bit more. How about Flight Dispatch Management?

26th Jun 2010, 04:16
Some jobs will simply be unavaialable due to lack of line flying experience. Others will be unavailable simply because the regulatory authourity and CARs requires a current line pilot in that position.

Depending on what additional qualifications you might have, there are quite a few other positions you could be capable of. The problem is the folks doing the hiring within flt ops are pilots and they tend to stick with what they know - other pilots, capable or not. They also don't like non-pilots within flt ops telling them they can't do this or that or there's no budget.

From a job satisafaction or renumeration pov, best to stay away from flt ops. Look at marketing, dispatch, scheduling,etc. If your an Engineer/Flt Sciences/Programming person, but the job falls in the Flt Ops Branch, only accept it if you can do it from within the Engineering branch.

Wyle E Coyote
27th Jun 2010, 17:36
One has to ask...... why, after spending all that money and time on a CPL, would you (or who ever it is) be looking for any job that isn't behind the controls of an aeroplane?

You'll end up as another pilot hating/failed pilot manager. And believe me, there are plenty of those already.

4th Jul 2010, 13:02
Thanks for your responses. I actually read an article about BA and one of its chief pilots who was not even a pilot but came up from the mechanic ranks. A lot of the US carriers have managers in flight operations that have no flying experience and that sparked my curiosity as to how this would work.