View Full Version : JAA FTO Poland & Romania (or other Eastern European).

20th Jun 2010, 11:49
If you have experience with any good JAA FTO in, particularly either Poland or Romania, but also anywhere else in Eastern Europe, I'd be grateful to hear from you. I'm looking for an organization that can reliably provide excellent Flight Instructor Rating training at a reasonable price.

Thanks in advance. :ok:

20th Jun 2010, 12:41
F-Air , czech republic . It's got a good reputation . There's also' Flying academy' there (a bit less organised from what I hear but not bad ) . Prices are OK and cost of living in CR (outside of Prague center) is relatively cheap .

21st Jun 2010, 14:30
They both look good. Thanks.

Anymore ...?

21st Jun 2010, 16:47
searched websites andf reviews, they both seem to have a reasonable reputation so I say go for it

21st Jun 2010, 16:56
Been in touch with one. Waiting to hear back from the other ... :ok: