View Full Version : Britannia THE TRUTH on IMC

27th Apr 2001, 22:43
T h e excuse that I got, was there are NO NDBs in Florida!! So how can you get an IMC rating in Florida???

Genghis the Engineer
28th Apr 2001, 00:45
Are there no AM radio stations in Florida? Use those.

There is certainly no shortage of VORs.

Whether the VOR or ADF is actually serviceable on any of Britannia's aeroplanes, is another question mind you.


little red train
28th Apr 2001, 01:13
Quick look on the Jacksonville chart (N. Florida) shows a ton of NDBs, Not all of them on an Airport, For navigation, hold fixing ect.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we start to deceive”
Hmmm, doesn’t really pay to tell lies to potential costumers.

28th Apr 2001, 01:15
Not sure what brought this thread on but taking Winter Haven as the epicentre:
RHZ 24nm ISM 22nm PCM 22nm TPF 39nm SEF 42nm LEE 45nm to name but the most obvious.

28th Apr 2001, 01:42
Scuse me but aren't NDB's a relic from pre-history? The USA has plenty of ILS and VOR's though! Maybe if the UK identified GA then there would be VOR's and ILS's at GA airports. Or am I being too radical in my thoughts here about UK aviation? Incidentally, went down to my local airport yesterday (Shoreham) is there a problem with flying in haze or did everybody have the day off? If Shoreham was a US airport, it would have been busy! I think that is a reflection on the sad state of UK GA.

Post thought: doesn't Winterhaven have an excellent adjacent airport (Lakeland) where there is not only an ILS where not only is the tower crew super friendly, there is a cheap and excellent restaurant and where landing fees are unknown?

Now why do people go to the USA to have fun?

[This message has been edited by Sensible (edited 27 April 2001).]

28th Apr 2001, 23:17
I did notice there were a lot of NDBs on the chart but was told a lot were u/s and they were being phased out. The problem is that now my renewal is due the instructor is amazed i have no experience of NDB work and dosen't understand how I have passed the IMC rating without having used the ADF as it is part of the syllabus.
Having checked my logbook, there is no mention of ADF or NDB in the remarks column whereas everything else required in the syllabus is entered and countersigned. As my logbook was sent off to the CAA I can only presume they will have checked this and found it acceptable before issuing my IMC pass.
My question is, Who is correct? The instructor who is doing my renewal, or Britannia in saying you don't need the NDB?
