View Full Version : PPL Air Law Exam

26th Apr 2001, 16:46

Just started revision for my Air Law exam. I have Pratt's book. Is this enough background reading material to get me comfortably through the paper?

Are there any on line question banks available to look at? Or does anyone here fancy giving a few e.gs? I take it the paper is Multi Guess rather than the format the Q&As are in the book?

Thanks for your help!

26th Apr 2001, 17:20
The questions are MCQ. Not familiar with Pratt's as I used Thoms but if you really want to get through your exams, the PPL Confuser is a must-have. Not a substitute for studying/knowing your air law but will get you through the exams.

Top tip. Get your exams done early. Don't wait until you're doing your x-ctry and then have to cram to get them out the way. Their not that difficult. Also, I wish I had studied my R/t early. It was my last exam and I had to 'unlearn' all the mistakes and relearn as per CAP 413.

Good luck.

26th Apr 2001, 18:31
bcfc speaks wisely....

I had to cram last 5 exams and R/T into a period of a few weeks before QXC.

PPL Confuser is the one to go for.

Good Luck.

26th Apr 2001, 18:57
That's wicked! Thanks for the help!

26th Apr 2001, 21:32

I did my PPL last year, and studied mainly using the Trevor Thom books, which put me in good stead for every exam - Except for Air Law.... I hope that the book you have is JAR compliant, so to speak, as the one I have was about only half right regarding the JAR syllabus, and some of the information in it was actually misleading. The PPL confuser helped me out too.

I agree with bcfc about doing the RT exam/practical early too, as it was the last exam I did and I had the same problems.

Dont worry though, the exams are not really too taxing, and if you try to get them out of the way asap, you get to concentrate on really having fun flying!!


Saab Dastard
27th Apr 2001, 00:03

Recommend you get hold of the relevant CAA Safety Sense leaflets, e.g. 6C Aerodrome Sense - should be free at your flight school. Also have a good nose around the CAA and JAA sites, follow links to find more information relevant to air law. It is amazing how much useful info you can pick up with a good search engine.

Agree with all who recommend PPL confuser - it is a must-have, but don't use it to cram, use it to check your preparedness - you should be able to get 90% + without cheating to be confident of a pass.

Also recommend CAP 413 - best £6.50 I have spent.

I used Thom, and passed, but make sure whatever book you use is up to date and JAR Compliant.

Good luck.

Hoping and praying should never be confused with planning...

Simon W
27th Apr 2001, 15:46

I too am studying for my Air Law exam. PPL confuser / Trevor Thoms seems to work for me. Still, I never was too good at exams when I was at school so it should be interesting to see how I do. Multiple Guess! I love that expression!



27th Apr 2001, 18:16
Yo Shannon.

Will have my exam soon and I started to read Trev Thom ages ago. Wasn't sinking in too well but the confuser definately helps. What iv'e done is highlight the answers so it reads as a question with an answer. This seems to make it easier to take in. If you want testing then hand the book to a very understanding partner or parent.
Works for me!!

Good luck


27th Apr 2001, 18:27
What is the PPL Confuser?

27th Apr 2001, 18:28
Thanks everyone!

Confuser seems like a grand plan! Pratts books are JAR compliant so to speak so we should be OK. Just looks to me like multi choice will make a potentially challenging exam, quite a bit easier? hope so anyway!

27th Apr 2001, 18:46

Its a book chocked full of MCQ's just like the ones in the exam. Not word for word the same but if you can get thru' these, you'll definitely get through the exams.

Have a look here... http://shop.pilotwarehouse.co.uk/product210023.html?session=78938891165

Wrong Stuff
28th Apr 2001, 02:16
***Definately*** get the PPL Confuser.

I studiously worked my way through the Thom book making notes and learning it all. At the end I did all the tests in Thom and got a really good mark. I then did the tests in the Confuser and got about 60%.

I could have sworn that most of the questions in the exam weren't even covered in the Thom book. The exam questions are nothing like you think they'll be.

The PPL Confuser will get you through the exam. You still need to know what's in Thom, though, to be safe to fly...