View Full Version : Acronym list...

Pilot DAR
11th Jun 2010, 03:27
OMG! I've only been flying for 34 years, and I know that I missed a few days, but am I the only one who does not know what many of these acronyms mean?

Is it time for a PPRuNe Acronym List, for those who are reluctant to admit they don't undertand what's going on?

Ok, I'll go first with my guesses, (in no particular order)

SMLG (stuck main landing gear?)
SSEA (super smoothly executed approach?)
RT (really tricky?)
NPPL (not particularly proficient to license?)
CRI (Crikey, really IMC!)
SPA (situation past acceptable?)
GST (goods and services tax)
CFI (critical fowl ingestion?)
NATS (little jets missing the "G")
FPL (foolish place to land?)
AFPEX (a f------ poor excuse?)
SID (should've indicated decelerating?)
STAR (silly test about regulations?)
CAS I know this one! Calibrated Air Speed!
DCS (the "arm" switches the Six Million Dollar Man turned on just before he crashed)
LARS (Swedish guy?)
MAP (mist approach practice?)
ATS (a tough situation?)
CTR (caught turning right?)
CTA (clearly tough acronyms?)
LATCC (let all the chatter continue?)
SAM (surface to air missle?)
ACK (only half the anti aircraft fire?)
FAB (Lady Penelope)

... And that's just a few from only two randomly selected threads!

A few, like UK, IFR, and GPS, I think I get, but there may be a few people who know even less about flying than I do!

So let's have an acornym list. The government makes me put them in all of my manuals and reports - we should have one too!

What do you think?

what next
11th Jun 2010, 05:48
Good morning!

OMG! I've only b...

... What do you think?

So let's start with "OMG" then :p

It flies
11th Jun 2010, 06:13
Excellent idea. I've been flying 33,5 years less then you and I've been left wondering many times by these acronyms too.

I do like the LAROSA one. Which I think means 'loops and rolls on a sunday afternoon'.

Genghis the Engineer
11th Jun 2010, 07:27
GPS - Grown-up's Playstation System
IFR - I Follow Roads
IMC - I've Mucked up and can't C
NOTAM - NO you Twit! Another Mistake
VMC - Virtually Meteorologically Clear

(One from my military past)
NIMROD - NIcompoop Management Ruined Our Design


11th Jun 2010, 11:44
Welcome to EASAland, (formerly called JAAland), Pilot DAR, where the true purpose of flying is to try to remain legal while the legislative authorities try their best to catch you out with catches not only 22, but 23, 24, 25, 26 etc.

Here be Euro-dragons!

When you awaken, you will be able to tell all your American colleagues what Hell really looks like.

You are in for a truly surreal experience.


Captain Smithy
11th Jun 2010, 18:51
Some useful aviation acronyms and an explanation...

SNAFU - Situation Normal, All F'ked Up (Usually referencing mainly to EASA matters)

TAUFU - Totally And Utterly F'ked Up (As above)

FUBAR - F'ked Up Beyond Any Recognition (Referencing the subject of an in-depth AAIB report, or perhaps the aftermath of a person/animal's rather messy encounter with a moving propeller :uhoh:, etc.)

BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again (Metaphorically speaking, what happens to pilots if something bad happens on a regular occurrence, e.g retribution from the CAA for busting CAS, EASA making more silly rules, landing fees/AVGAS increasing in price again, receiving a bollocking from the CFI after a bad incident, a bollocking from the girlfriend/wife for spending more time/money on flying than with her :bored:, etc.)

SUSFU - Situation Unchanged, Still F'ked Up (Again, usually applies to EASA matters)

TARFUN - Things Are Really F'ked Up Now (Description of a major error or calamity, e.g. new EASA rules, a major navigational error, CAS bust, multiple engine failure etc.)

AFI - Another F'ing Inconvenience (Useful catch-all term expressing generic frustration, e.g. Bad weather, ATC delays, EASA, Volcanic Ash, Enviromental protestors turning up at the airport to chain themselves to the gates etc.)

FUMTU - F'ked Up More Than Usual (Usually the result of Volcanic Ash, new EASA directives etc.)

FUBB - F'ked Up Beyond Belief (Usually with reference to EASA, or the routine result of a license application to the CAA)

FIFI - F'ck it, Fly It (Stupidly heading off into the sky in the face of a number of negative factors whilst SUSFU, e.g. aircraft unserviceability, bad weather, lack of funds etc. - usually leads to a TARFUN or a FUBAR)

GTFO - Get The F'ck Out (A speedy retreat requiring rather quick ambulation in the opposite direction of hostility, e.g. the aftermath of a CAS bust, the aircraft catching fire on the ramp, a fall-out with the CFI, etc.)

CATFU - Completely And Totally F'ked Up (Similar as most of the above)

Copyright Captain Smithy

I'm sure there are many more...

11th Jun 2010, 19:20
Of your list, only these are acronyms:
NATS (little jets missing the "G")
AFPEX (a f------ poor excuse?)
SID (should've indicated decelerating?)
STAR (silly test about regulations?)
LARS (Swedish guy?)
LATCC (let all the chatter continue?)
SAM (surface to air missle?)
ACK (only half the anti aircraft fire?)
The rest are abbreviations,

Pilot DAR
23rd Sep 2011, 13:17
SEP vs SPA please?

23rd Sep 2011, 15:35
EFATO = Early Finals, Another Trip Over!

Well, it is in an SEP...

Sir George Cayley
23rd Sep 2011, 18:51
For BA pilots

LOTUS Lots of trouble usually serious

FERRARI For ever repairing, repairing and repairing indefinitely


23rd Sep 2011, 19:07
RTB= Return to base
PPPPPPP = proper preflight planning prevents piss poor performance
MANPADS= man portable air defense systems, lotsa missing out of Libya
Man-pads= for that special time of the month for male pilots

23rd Sep 2011, 20:25
SEP vs SPA please?.
Hi Pilot DAR,
In the UK (and probably all JAA/EASA countries) SEP is "single engine piston" usually suffixed by "(L)" for landplane. So it is any aeroplane with one piston engine, there is no weight limit. There is also MEP for "multi engine piston" and a "(S)" suffix for seaplanes.
SPA is single pilot aircraft, so anything certified to be operated by one crew member, which will probably include most SEP's (AN2 or other ex-mil types?). I used this term a bit sloppily in the "checklist" thread and as you pointed out can include lots of fairly complex, high-performance stuff.

Pilot DAR
23rd Sep 2011, 20:59
Thanks MrMum.

My Canadian license says I "SMELS"

= Single Multi Engine Land & Sea,

I suppose there are lots of other pilots who just SMEL, as they don't get wet....

24th Sep 2011, 12:12
Sat here having my lunch, thought I would just catch up on the world. Read Pilot DAR's interpretation of acronyms...and coughed crumbs of beef and blue cheese all over the keyboard, I laughed so hard.

Broomstick has it absolutely correct.

Then I read Captain Smithy's post.

More coughing and crumbs, especially as I recognised most of them. Worst thing is, I can relate to most of them as well.


24th Sep 2011, 12:32
After you retire, you really need to get a handle on the chat acronyms that the older people use on forums...

LMAO - Like Many Absentminded Oldies

LOL - Lots Of Lumbago

OMG - Oww! My Gout!

POS - Post-Operative Stitches

TTYL - Try Taking Your Laxatives

WTF - Whoa, That's a Fart!

BFF - Been Falling Frequently

BRB - Bustin' Real Bad

BTW - Busted The Walker

GTG - Got The Gout

IMO - In Mondays Obituaries

HAGD - Had Any Good Diuretics?

GFN - Go For Nap

26th Sep 2011, 08:53
I would like to think that SPA means Solitary Porcine Aviator, like this one seen today!http:///www.sites.google.com/site/twododecacarrot/home/BatterseaPig01_86.jpg

26th Sep 2011, 11:09
That flying pig is probably an indication that the grand redevelopment of that dump er... I mean landmark... is never actually going to happen!