View Full Version : Chinook attempted arson in PNG

Capt SFB
9th Jun 2010, 08:00
Ah, still the wild west.......................:sad:

Chopper saved from arson



A US$20 MILLION (K56.4 million) twin-rotor Columbia helicopter was nearly razed by a frustrated Hides gas field landowner on Monday.
The arsonist managed to cut the security wire fence to gain entry into Oil Search Ltd (OSL) Nogoli camp at about 7.30pm.
He then climbed into the helicopter through the rear opening and emptied a kerosene container, including in the cockpit.
He then lit a match stick to start a fire.
The light and smoke alerted security guards who rushed into the helicopter to put out the flames.
Tari liquefied natural gas project police security operations commander Jim Namora said Wabag-based police mobile squad (MS) 12 commander chief Sgt Joseph Ka’a responded swiftly when alerted by the camp’s security.
Namora said Ka’a, who was then leading a section of the MS12 on motor patrol near the camp, helped put out the fire.
They then launched a dawn raid on a house near the camp yesterday and picked up the suspected arsonist.
“He was arrested and charged with one count of being unlawfully in the camp premises and another for committing arson.”
Namora said more charges would be considered according to the Civil Aviation Act.
The suspect told police during interrogation that he was “unhappy” with OSL and how OSL conducted its operations in Hides, and, therefore, decided to burn the aircraft to show his frustration.
He was flown to Moro to be locked up in police custody pending a court appearance.
An expatriate manager at Hides commended police for their quick action in saving the twin-engine Chinook Colombia helicopter.
The source said OSL would have lost more than K100 million if the aircraft was razed.
The aircraft, owned by Pacific Helicopters Ltd, is contracted by OSL to fly in equipment and machinery for its operations at Hides, Lake Kutubu, Moran and the nearby oil and gas fields for the coming LNG.
The helicopter did not sustain any major damage.

Chopper saved from arson | The National (http://www.thenational.com.pg/?q=node/9844)

Motion Lotion
9th Jun 2010, 09:45
Rumour has it that Columbia had a small fire in the back of a Chook. Hevilift flew a Longie for 100 hours with Jet Ranger blades on and Pacific fitted a time ex engine to a Bell 212.

Can anyone elaborate on these malicious rumours?

9th Jun 2010, 09:50
Mmmm ...

Looks to me like the aircraft is owned by COLUMBIA Heli .... NOT Pacific ...

I'm sure if Pacific were involved they would have been able organise a much better effort ....


(What really did happen to those Puma's so many years ago ???)

9th Jun 2010, 11:30
Motion lotion....what a load of BS no way was a Timex PT6 fitted to a Pachel B212...I'am the Supply & Logistics Manager at Pachel and I know what components are installed/removed into Pachel machines....can't comment on the others.

9th Jun 2010, 20:40
No comment on the PT6.

I had a real love affair with those Puma's and sad when they caught fire just like that.

Motion Lotion
10th Jun 2010, 06:06
Thanks for that Bravohotel. Was only a rumour I heard.

What was the story with the engine fitted to your 212 then? Or was there no story at all? ML

10th Jun 2010, 08:28
No truth in it at all, just a scurrilous rumour.

I am the grease monkey that maintains the heli involved and what has arrived back from mainbase has two engines well within life limits and meeting all performance parameters.

10th Jun 2010, 10:24
ML this is the site for rumours after all,piggybank is on to it...and at the end of the day everyone was happy...cheers BH