View Full Version : Performance, economy etc. vs. Rotor RPM?

8th Jun 2010, 11:54
For an un-governed helicopter, with a fairly wide "green" range of RRPM, which side of the spectrum would be most favorable for:

- hover performance
- climb rate
- speed
- economy
- sink rate in autorotation
- range in autorotation?

Also, could anyone point me towards relevant theory explaining that? :}

8th Jun 2010, 12:07
Try Ray Prouty - Amazon is your friend.

8th Jun 2010, 13:30
For an un-governed helicopter, with a fairly wide "green" range of RRPM, which side of the spectrum would be most favorable for:

- hover performance
- climb rate
- speed
- economy
- sink rate in autorotation
- range in autorotation?Hover performance....High end of green arc
Best climb rate......... High end of green arc
Best speed............... High end of green arc
Best economy........... Low end of green arc
Min sink rate.............Low end of green arc
Max range in auto......Low end of green arc and fly at max speed. :ok: