View Full Version : Help in Finding a Video from the Early 90's

2nd Jun 2010, 07:39
A friend of mine is desperately trying to get hold of a video clip he once saw. We've tried all the usual google, youtube etc etc, and he even emailed Bell Helicopters with no joy.

Anyway, he first saw it in the early 90's, and it is of (either a Bell 212 or 412) flying low across the desert with a rope hanging out the back, pulling a man standing upright (holding onto the rope) across the desert as if he was skiing over the sand. Basically a Bell 212/412 pulling a man who is sand skiing across the desert if that makes sense.

Can anyone help in finding this video?

Thanks in advance

Senior Pilot
2nd Jun 2010, 07:55
That Bell was an Aerospatiale ;)


2nd Jun 2010, 08:23
Excellent I'll show this to him tomorrow, and also ask him if this is his idea of a Bell412/212 lol.

Cheers :ok: