View Full Version : Kent Air Ambulance crew attacked

24th May 2010, 20:00
BBC News item here: (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/8701890.stm)

Two held over Kent Air Ambulance attack in Sevenoaks

Two youths have been arrested and bailed following a disturbance which happened after a Kent Air Ambulance helicopter responded to a 999 call.
Police were called after the aircraft landed in a field near The Vine Cricket Ground, Sevenoaks, on Sunday afternoon.
Officers said two people had been seen hanging off the helicopter's tail fin and swinging on the pilot's door.
When the pilot asked them to stop they became verbally aggressive and one grabbed the pilot around his throat.
Kent Police said a 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and public order offences, while a 17-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of common assault and public order offences.
Aircraft inspected
Both were given bail pending further inquiries.
The Kent Air Ambulance Service said the incident prevented the helicopter from being used to transport an injured baby, who had to be taken to hospital by road accompanied by the air ambulance's crew.
The aircraft was unable to return to service until it was given a full inspection by an engineer, which was completed on Monday morning.
John Tickner, chief executive, said: "I find it incredible that anybody would want to attack a charity air ambulance and its crew, whose sole purpose is to help seriously injured people in their time of need.
"It is completely unacceptable that any of our staff are subjected to an assault and we will always fully support the police in any further action."

Having thoroughly enjoyed some very pleasant times on floater duty with KAAT in the past, it was disturbing to read the article referenced. With any luck, the driver (BA?) didn't catch anything off the scrotes. Best wishes to all at Marden - hope this doesn't put you off.

Had 2 surprising jobs in Kent - 1 at a shiny new, expensive housing estate on an old WW2 airfield, where I started getting concerned when people like the above began kicking a football at the aircraft to see what I'd do (phoned the police...). However, it's not all bad there - was tasked to a real downtrodden-looking quarter of Folkestone and landed on a patch of rough ground where some youngsters had been playing footie before we arrived. They couldn't have been more helpful - some were Ambulance cadets themselves (presumably St J's). Just went to remind me that you can't take anything for granted/ judge books by covers.

tony 1969
24th May 2010, 20:14
What 'further enquiries' do the police need to make, The scrotes should be made to donate 10% of their future earnings to the air ambulance.:ugh:

24th May 2010, 20:32
If they're anything like the scrotes that we have to deal with on a regular basis, then their 'future earnings' would only be taxpayer-funded handouts anyway! At least in our cab we're able to carry an assortment of purpose-designed 'de-scroting tools'...


24th May 2010, 20:33
According to G-INFO, G-KAAT is registered to Police Aviation Services. It looks very much like a "police helicopter".

If you assume the scrotes can not read, you could understand why they did what they did. They were perhaps trying to get back at the police. (Oh look, there's a police helicopter on the ground, quick now it's our turn to get our own back for chasing us with impunity all the time).
Is it clever to disguise an air ambulance to look like a police heli? :confused:
That would never happen in Devon and Cornwall.

24th May 2010, 20:40
i blame the parents http://www.hotukdeals.com/item/183133/important-hotlinking-to-images-post/images/smilies/whistling2.gif

24th May 2010, 20:44
Chopjock, are you having a laugh? Police Aviation Services is a working title for a company which also provides Air Ambulance helis, crews and engineering to several operations. The colour scheme of the helis they provide is entirely a matter for the Air Ambo charity to choose - PAS don't paint them all like 90's police cars.

Any Kentish fule kno that their police do not have a heli (they have to borrow one from neighbouring counties), and the ones that can read - OK, possibly not applicable here - can see 'Air Ambulance' on the side of the aircraft.

...and as a Devon Council Tax payer, I wish I could share your certainty.

24th May 2010, 20:47
Assuming some charges will follow,I think the 2 scrotes and their `parents` should spend a week in their nearest hospital,`cleaning-out`,attending trauma accidents,and finally a session with a pathologist in the morgue.... won`t happen ,of course...

24th May 2010, 21:13
What 'further enquiries' do the police need to make

Obtaining witness statements probably, in order to give the best possible chance of a prosecution.

I deal with morons like this every day and have for over twenty years. The depths to which they will stoop still never fails to astound and appall me :ugh:

Best wishes to the KAA crew :ok:

crop duster
24th May 2010, 21:19
What's a scrote? :confused:

Another Old Git
24th May 2010, 22:01
Scrote = A slang abbreviation for a skin receptacle, positioned in this case about 90cm above the electronic tag mounting point and approx 3cm behind the cerebum.

Ian Corrigible
24th May 2010, 22:23
That would never happen in Devon and Cornwall.
I'm surprised to hear that it happened in Sevenoaks. Granted, it's been a while since I was in Blighty, but I thought Sevenoaks was fairly tame, hardly a Moss Side or Peckham.

I can rustle up some M4 mounts if anyone wants them... :E


25th May 2010, 08:57
Don't worry they will get the sentence they deserve. Community service or a day out at centre parcs on behalf of the tax payer. Don't you just love the UK

25th May 2010, 09:08
Hmmmmmmmmm just give the crew ten min alone with them when the poor old pilot is not on their own and out numbered. Little feckers !!!!:ugh:

Non-PC Plod
25th May 2010, 11:41
Old Git - you are responsible for making me stop slamming my head on my desk in exasperation at working here, and allowing myself a little chuckle! Thanks.

25th May 2010, 14:24
I'm surprised to hear that it happened in Sevenoaks. Granted, it's been a while since I was in Blighty, but I thought Sevenoaks was fairly tame, hardly a Moss Side or Peckham.


That was my reaction too! :uhoh: On the plus side, when you deal with such amateur scrotes it is normally easier to make them cry :hmm: On the downside, it seems nowhere is sacred anymore.

26th May 2010, 14:19
Kneecap the useless c*nts

26th May 2010, 14:38
in addition to knee cappin gthem I'd also de-ball them. It should place some restriction of the local genepool hitting further lows in the not too ditant future.

26th May 2010, 16:07
Sadly, there are some sites we land at, where back up is needed. In my short Air Ambo career so far, we had the fire service and police back us up when landing at Aintree Hospital site. Landing in Preston Park and Dream in St Helens was also a little tense, especially when they start asking what drugs you are carrying..............

26th May 2010, 16:29
Think what fun you could have had if you'd given them a recent career summary!

skid shoe
26th May 2010, 21:40
I'm not sure how your English courts system works but I hope these :mad: idiots meet up with Flying Lawyer in his professional capacity, and very soon.

27th May 2010, 04:23
I admire you thoughts skid shoe but sadly in the real world little or nothing will happen to them, because we have something called human rights legislation and we have to look after these poor souls and look at how society has neglected them and made them what they are today... I would opt for a more radical approach and remove their human rights as they have infringed the human rights of the baby that was waiting to be airlifted for treatment.
I would remove various bits of them very slowly.... Oh and publicly so others of similar ilk can be made aware!

27th May 2010, 12:13
As with most cases of this sort, their names and addresses will be published in the local rag once the case is over...

Well done to the Pilot for his self control. :D
On a different day in a different location and a different crew, it might have been a totally different headline.

"Youth Slips on Helicopter Skid and Bangs Head on Fuel Filler Cap While Trying to Escape after Attacking Air Ambulance Crew, as They Try to Save Babys Life".

Bring back the stocks on a Saturday morning.
Stop their benefits.

No doubt all that will happen is they will have a nice little visit to the unit and the opportunity to say sorry to the crew and managers. And I bet the crew dont even get to utilise a spinal board, arm/leg restraints and a 3 Wood :E

27th May 2010, 15:11

I would not entertain taking these or any other scroats who were acting beyond the law in a helicopter to hospital....

27th May 2010, 15:13
or maybe even an ambulance...:E

27th May 2010, 18:51
Hmmm I know it's not the done thing commercially. But I do know of one or two of those HEMS drivers who are ex Blades/Booties/Paras.......... hmmmm wonder if the law would fall on their side if they slipped back into hooligan mode. Prob not but nice thought. :ugh:

27th May 2010, 19:35
wonder if the law would fall on their side if they slipped back into hooligan mode.

Grabbing a persons throat, as the scrote allegedly did, would without doubt put the pilot in the frame of mind that his/her life was at risk. Therefore any level of force required to defend him/herself would not be unreasonable.

volrider, unfortunately, I think we would have some form of human duty to help. In times of war the Geneva convention kicks in.

'But we aren't at war with them', you may say. However isn't every law abiding tax/NI paying, working person at war with the blood sucking parasites that end up doing this sort of thing!

28th May 2010, 00:34
Carry a small portable camera with you, modern mobile phones will do. When they start scroteing or mouthing off, take their picture. It works wonders, they soon disappear.

28th May 2010, 08:44
Of course skidkid, because if they are prepared to go as far as throttle you, a mobile phone would be the ultimate deterrent. :rolleyes:

These O2 thieves, are probably actual O2 thieves. (other mobile phone networks are available) The only use a mobile phone would be is to keep it firmly in your palm as you defend yourself, or in the old days when there used to be one, to poke an eye out with the aerial.

28th May 2010, 12:23
Your right Sid we are at war with these anti-social cripples of society. However maybe we should ditch the Geneva convention, the Human Rights legislation and just knee cap the barstewards... or go by the Taliban rules of engagement..Ooops I can feel a moderators cold breath on my shoulder, ah well another 4 weeks away:hmm:

28th May 2010, 12:34
Of course, Silsoe Sid, if you are in the process of actually being throttled, then a mobile phone or camera is not much use. But being throttled is pretty rare.

However, if you catch them in the early stages with a crafty picture it works wonders. I know from long experience. You've also got some evidence of the scrote if trouble should develop!

28th May 2010, 15:11

That last post makes no sense.

But being throttled is pretty rare.
As being grabbed around the neck (throttled) has happened in 100% of the cases reported here on PPRuNe, how is that rare?

You've also got some evidence of the scrote if trouble should develop!
Well, as these scrotes were apprehended without the use of a camera, (how much trouble do you need to record or indeed have the chance to?) I would argue that a mobile would be better utilised as a 'tool' rather than as an evidence gathering machine.

1st Jun 2010, 12:00
Why have they said it was the Kent Air ambo?. Turns out it was Surrey/Sussex. I know they are a type of sister affair down there but still ??