View Full Version : Chopper Stopper

12th May 2010, 23:04
What will these people come up with next?
BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, N.Y. (WPIX) - Business leaders, residents and lawmakers are nearing a compromise to limit the number of noisy helicopters that crowd the skies over New York Harbor.George Prochnik is a writer from Fort Greene who recently published a book called "In Pursuit of Silence." He worries the constant vibrating din of helicopters could have physical and mental health effects for Brooklyn children.

"They're not learning English. They're learning noisy English as though from a single parent with a cleft palete. This slows down their whole ability to take in words. It can lead to different sorts of social isolation issues. One person even told me they suspected the spike in ambient noise in our society is a contributing factor to the rise in diagnoses of autism."

Chopper Stopper: Brooklyn Closer To A Deal On Helicopter Noise - WPIX (http://www.wpix.com/news/local/wpix-chopper-brooklyn-noise,0,2457441.story)

16th May 2010, 22:48
WOW - You mean they are actually trying to teach Americans to speak ENGLISH now ? :ok:


16th May 2010, 23:31
I see an opening for a double glazing company.....!

By the way, a quick observation, why weren't the activists around when;

a. The schools were built next to the heliports.
b. Permission was given for heliports to be built so close to schools.

Probably fighting some other cause, won that and then moved straight onto the next!

17th May 2010, 17:11
Amen! I ask everyone who complains about noisy aircraft, of any description, to stand by a road and have the conversation. If that doesn't get it in proportion, they're too stupid to argue with.

17th May 2010, 21:19
I know I bang on about plummeting journalistic standards but here, yet again, it is:

"...One person even told me they suspected the spike in ambient noise in our society is a contributing factor to the rise in diagnoses of autism."

Here, a clue to the quality of the content is in what is being said.

Here, a reporter is reporting what someone else is reporting. Wrong, wrong and wrong, in the Journalism for Dummies book I will one day write... then plug repeated to any reporter lazy or dumb enough to listen :ugh: of which it appears there is a growing army. God help me...but perhaps he is?

Yes, this gets my goat, and not just because I live in southern Spain where you can't even drive home pissed (American English: inebriated) from the pub without running at least one of the bleating quadrupeds over. It's also because I know just a little about autism, and what that condition really means. This much I can say for sure: Helicopters do not cause autism. There! You heard it first on Pprune. :D

Well, it's up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire for me.

Buenos noches mi amigos:ok: