View Full Version : How does your airline assign seniority numbers to pilots joining on the same day?

26th Apr 2010, 12:55
Dear fellow PPRuNers.

We have an opportunity to overhaul our seniority system so we are looking for ideas how to separate people who got employed on the same day. Current system made a few pilots share same seniority number so when there were less training slots than pilots aspiring for upgrade and sharing the number, the dice were thrown. Last time there were three pilots, one capt slot on A320, two on Q400, lucky fellow threw 11 and went on bus. It's not just an jetjockey issue, 320 capts have larger basic pay than Q400 ones.

So I'd like to know whether your company assigns your seniority No dependent on the date of joining or entering the holding pool? Also what other criteria are used except the date of joining.

Your answers are much appreciated.


26th Apr 2010, 14:56
Date of birth; older pilot getting the more senior number.


Date on the ATP license; older date getting the more senior number.

Seniority numbers are issued on the day the individual is actually hired as a pilot (transferring in from some other department or prior service with the airline in non-flying capacity has no influence on your pilot seniority number) at the airline.

Pilots are hired in classes (20-30) individuals and all have the same start date. The individuals in a class are given their seniority numbers by date of birth; older pilots given the more senior (lower) number.

Feel free to PM me if you want to know more.

26th Apr 2010, 15:40
We had numbered cards face down on a table with all the guys who joined on that day picking a card. The guy who picked number 1 was most senior, 2 next most senior and so on.

Dan Winterland
26th Apr 2010, 16:55
Present one hours, previous one age.

26th Apr 2010, 17:49
Oldest one becomes the more senior on the basis that he has the least number of years left to work before retirement.

27th Apr 2010, 07:57
Depending on location age would probably be out of the window due to discrimination laws.

27th Apr 2010, 08:01
Ours assigns your seniority number not by date of join, but by date you complete your line check and are ready to work...

27th Apr 2010, 09:08
Date of birth over here, in all major airlines. However if someone was in the military right before taking on a job his time in the service has to be taken into account by law (most companies dont do that though, and the military types never sue the company).

27th Apr 2010, 17:18
Seniority in my company was by date of hire. If several people were hired the same day, then date of line check prevailed. In the unlikely event two people were hired AND line-checked the same day, then the oldest one was designated the most senior.

We were about 1,000 pilots and I didn't see anybody raise complaints about this system.

28th Apr 2010, 08:57
Used to be date of birth but that was deemed to be illegal so now done by lottery.

28th Apr 2010, 10:09
When I joined it was by date of joining. There were three of us joining that day, so it was done in alphabetical order. As I was the oldest and the person at the bottom of the alphabetical list, I felt slightly hard done by. However, subsequent changes worked to my advantage, so it all comes out in the wash.

4th May 2010, 15:21
Thank your very much for clearing up a few things to me.