View Full Version : Tri-Pacer advice sought

15th Feb 2010, 11:50
Morning All!

I haven't flown a PA22 for nearly 30 years, but now have the chance to buy one. Any tips on purchase/operation will be gratefully recieved.


15th Feb 2010, 14:30
Apart from the 'bad news' of Part M not much.

The only issue I can remember with a friend's 2 Tripes was corrosion on the passenger door frame leading edge, the metal sheeting traps water and the tube forming the main frame ends up perforated. Easy to repair during a rebuild but expensive otherwise.

The other issues come back to Part M - the mod status. There are a lot of possible permutations between engines and UK and US mods. If the aircraft has had the so-called 'back to birth' review you should be OK, if not then there are all sorts of potential wrangles.

If you can get the additional skylight, extended windscreen do it - it makes quite a difference. Ditto removing the aileron interconnect, better brakes probably not worth the effort - so long as the ones there work! Toes brakes - only worth it for the taildragger conversion.

Other than that a very much under rated aircraft and perfect proof that light aircraft were marketed not designed during the 60s - it is far more capable than the equivalent pa28!

Pilot DAR
15th Feb 2010, 15:10
Tri Pacers are great planes, however there are a few things to watch out for:

I recall ad AD for corrocsion in the weld joint in the fuselage frame, which is about where the pilot's left elbow would be. Big job to fix if damage found there. I don't recall if it is a recurring AD, but certainly worth understanding.

I recently posted the following on another thread. This situation might not be so critical for the Tri Pacer, as companies such as Univair might offer some support in the aftermarket. None the less, for what is it worth...

"As much as I really like Piper products, while undertaking the approval of a repair on a late 70"s Piper twin, I have encountered an alarming situation. Critical left and right primary structure parts, which are very simple single aluminum pieces, were found to be corroded, and not airworthy. Piper no longer makes available replacements for these parts, and is unwilling to support the field repair of the aircraft (and I have the email from Piper to prove it). In the absence of approved replacement parts, or aftermarket parts (which do not exist), the only option is a very expensive engineering and manufacturing exercise to repair the aircraft. This does not offer an assurance that the aircraft will ever return to the air - this could be the end for this particular aircraft. (Added to that, is the fact that this part is the subject of a Piper Service Bulleting for cracking, which would also require replacement!)

I don't know which aircraft Piper still supports, but the talk I had with their Tech Support person suggests that older aircraft made by Piper are not favoured for this support.

Before I bought a Piper, I'd be having a very thorough prepurchase inspection completed, with a real eye for corrosion, and the possible future need for replacement parts - they just might not be available!

It's long been known that aircraft manuafacturer's are not completely keen on their "legacy" aircraft remaining in service indefinately. It's hard for them to come right out and try to ground the aircraft, but it's much more easy and subtle to just stop making replacement parts available...

I love older aircraft, but it's time for prospective owners to do their homework!"