View Full Version : Aircraft Categories

24th Jan 2010, 20:18
Does anyone know where I can find information on Aircraft Categories, i.e for Non Scheduled traffic like survey aircraft and police ops?!?

These aircraft are given a priority like survey aircraft z.....just wondered where this information is located?



24th Jan 2010, 20:25
I assume for the UK....

Let me google that for you.........

CAA Document CAP493

Section 1 Chapter 4 Paragraph 10 Flight Priorities

Category Type of Flight
A Aircraft in emergency (e.g. engine fault, fuel shortage, seriously ill
passenger). Aircraft which have declared a 'Police Emergency'.
Ambulance/Medical aircraft when the safety of life is involved.

B Flights operating for search and rescue or other humanitarian
reasons. Post accident flight checks. Other flights, including Open
Skies Flights, authorised by the CAA. Police flights under normal
operational priority.

C Royal Flights
Flights carrying
visiting Heads of State
which have been notified by NOTAM/
Temporary Supplement.

D Flights notified by the CAA carrying Heads of Government or very
senior government ministers.

E Flight check aircraft engaged on, or in transit to, time or weather
critical calibration flights.
Other flights authorised by the CAA.

i)Flights which have filed a flight plan in the normal way and conforming with
normal routing procedures.
ii)Initial instrument flight tests conducted by the CAA Flight Examining Unit.
(RTF callsign “EXAM”)

Z Training, non-standard and other flights.