View Full Version : European Class 3 Medical help and advice.

20th Jan 2010, 17:58
I am a Military controller at present leaving the Service soon, I injured my shoulder skiing last year and had a rotator cuff repair. It has not hindered me still doing my job at present although I will never fully recover total use of my left arm. Is this likely to be an issue when trying to get a Class 3 medical for civilian controlling. Many thanks for any advice.

(p.s I spoke to the medical center today at Gatwick and they couldn't give me any information they just said wait till it has recovered (It wont!) or just book and see!)

20th Jan 2010, 18:51

maybe at look at this (http://www.eurocontrol.int/safety/gallery/content/public/library/L4.pdf) will help you. I don't know for certain if these requirements apply to UK issued medicals, but I think the provisions of section 10 (p 38 of the pdf) sound rather promising.

Anyway, why shouldn't you be able to get a class 3 when you hold a military licence.

Good luck!


20th Jan 2010, 19:03
Thank you.

cottam approach
21st Jan 2010, 09:50

"Anyway, why shouldn't you be able to get a class 3 when you hold a military licence"

Because the inital medical is more strict than following medicals. Once in the Service some medical conditions can occur that, whilst not precluding you from further service, would mean you would not pass an inital medical.

That aside i'd say you'd be totally fine obtaining the class 3 with the rotator cuff injury (NOT a professional opinion, just going on what my class 3 was like when i left the Service)